
【字体: 时间:2013年11月15日 来源:生物通




生物通报道:根据华盛顿大学医学院的科学家发表在11月13日Plos One杂志上的一项研究显示,健康儿童的肠道中的有益细菌,携带大量的抗生素耐药基因。这些基因引发科学家担忧,因为它们可能是有害细菌共有的基因,通过干扰抗生素的功效,它们能够引起严重的疾病,在一些情况下甚至会引起死亡。

华盛顿大学医学院的病理学和免疫学助理教授Gautam Dantas博士说,“与生命中的其他的五年时间跨度相比,儿童在从出生到5岁这个五年跨度时期,接触了更多的抗生素。频繁的暴露抗生素加快了抗生素耐药性的传播。我们的研究指出,在儿童真正需要这些药物的时候,才去使用它们是有多么的重要。”这项研究发表在11月13日的Plos One杂志上。

利用来自儿童发现研究所、先进的可再生能源和可持续性国际中心、美国国家科学院的Keck期货计划和国家健康研究所(NIH)的基金资助,研究者分析了来自22名从6个月到19岁不同年龄范围的婴儿和儿童的粪便样本,这些样本由华盛顿大学医学院儿科的Melvin E. Carnahan教授Phillip Tarr博士提供。尽管是小部分的样本,但是他们的分析鉴定了2500个新的抗生素耐药基因,将已知的抗生素耐药基因数量增加了超过30%。





Dantas的主要研究兴趣是,微生物抗性的生态学和进化。根据疾病控制和预防中心的一项最新报道,耐抗生素的感染能引起至少2百万的疾病和每年23000的死亡,加上200亿的卫生保健成本。Dantas指出,青霉素抗性菌Staphylococcus aureus,是最危险的抗生素耐药细菌之一,目前在美国引起了比HIV还高的死亡人数。科学家们利用resistome(耐药基因组)这个术语来指一个细菌群落的集体抗生素耐药基因。




Pediatric Fecal Microbiota Harbor Diverse and Novel Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Abstract:Emerging antibiotic resistance threatens human health. Gut microbes are an epidemiologically important reservoir of resistance genes (resistome), yet prior studies indicate that the true diversity of gut-associated resistomes has been underestimated. To deeply characterize the pediatric gut-associated resistome, we created metagenomic recombinant libraries in an Escherichia coli host using fecal DNA from 22 healthy infants and children (most without recent antibiotic exposure), and performed functional selections for resistance to 18 antibiotics from eight drug classes. Resistance-conferring DNA fragments were sequenced (Illumina HiSeq 2000), and reads assembled and annotated with the PARFuMS computational pipeline. Resistance to 14 of the 18 antibiotics was found in stools of infants and children. Recovered genes included chloramphenicol acetyltransferases, drug-resistant dihydrofolate reductases, rRNA methyltransferases, transcriptional regulators, multidrug efflux pumps, and every major class of beta-lactamase, aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme, and tetracycline resistance protein. Many resistance-conferring sequences were mobilizable; some had low identity to any known organism, emphasizing cryptic organisms as potentially important resistance reservoirs. We functionally confirmed three novel resistance genes, including a 16S rRNA methylase conferring aminoglycoside resistance, and two tetracycline-resistance proteins nearly identical to a bifidobacterial MFS transporter (B. longum s. longum JDM301). We provide the first report to our knowledge of resistance to folate-synthesis inhibitors conferred by a predicted Nudix hydrolase (part of the folate synthesis pathway). This functional metagenomic survey of gut-associated resistomes, the largest of its kind to date, demonstrates that fecal resistomes of healthy children are far more diverse than previously suspected, that clinically relevant resistance genes are present even without recent selective antibiotic pressure in the human host, and that cryptic gut microbes are an important resistance reservoir. The observed transferability of gut-associated resistance genes to a gram-negative (E. coli) host also suggests that the potential for gut-associated resistomes to threaten human health by mediating antibiotic resistance in pathogens warrants further investigation.



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