PLoS Medicine:子宫内膜癌最新研究进展

【字体: 时间:2013年11月14日 来源:生物通


  来自英国伦敦大学学院妇女癌症部的研究人员在11月12日的PLOS Medicine杂志上发表了一项最新研究:发现HAND2基因是子宫内膜癌中的一种差异甲基化热点,这个基因的表观遗传学修饰在子宫内膜癌的发展中起着关键的作用。



生物通报道:来自英国伦敦大学学院妇女癌症部的研究人员在11月12日的PLOS Medicine杂志上发表了一项最新研究:发现HAND2基因是子宫内膜癌中的一种差异甲基化热点,这个基因的表观遗传学修饰在子宫内膜癌的发展中起着关键的作用。




来自英国伦敦大学学院妇女癌症部的Martin Widschwendter和合作者在11月12日的PLOS Medicine杂志上发表了一项最新研究,系统地比较了子宫内膜癌和正常子宫内膜的甲基化模式。

研究者收集了分别来自子宫内膜癌和正常子宫内膜的基因组范围的DNA甲基化数据,采用一种称为功能表观遗传学模块(Functional Epigenetic Modules,FEM)的计算方法,将这些信息与人类相互作用组及转录组整合在一起。通过这些分析,研究者将HAND2基因鉴定为子宫内膜癌中的一种差异甲基化热点。HAND2是一个孕酮调节的干细胞PCGT基因,它编码一个在子宫内膜基质中表达的转录因子,抑制一种生长因子——这种生长因子能够介导雌激素在子宫内膜上皮组织中的增长诱导效应——的产生。因此,研究者推断,HAND2基因的表观遗传学修饰在子宫内膜癌的发展中起着关键的作用。HAND2基因在健康的子宫内膜中很活跃,在那里它对抗雌激素的生长诱导作用。相反地,在超过90%的子宫内膜癌患者中,这个基因已经发生了甲基化。



Role of DNA Methylation and Epigenetic Silencing of HAND2 in Endometrial Cancer Development
Endometrial cancer incidence is continuing to rise in the wake of the current ageing and obesity epidemics. Much of the risk for endometrial cancer development is influenced by the environment and lifestyle. Accumulating evidence suggests that the epigenome serves as the interface between the genome and the environment and that hypermethylation of stem cell polycomb group target genes is an epigenetic hallmark of cancer. The objective of this study was to determine the functional role of epigenetic factors in endometrial cancer development.
Methods and Findings
Epigenome-wide methylation analysis of >27,000 CpG sites in endometrial cancer tissue samples (n = 64) and control samples (n = 23) revealed that HAND2 (a gene encoding a transcription factor expressed in the endometrial stroma) is one of the most commonly hypermethylated and silenced genes in endometrial cancer. A novel integrative epigenome-transcriptome-interactome analysis further revealed that HAND2 is the hub of the most highly ranked differential methylation hotspot in endometrial cancer. These findings were validated using candidate gene methylation analysis in multiple clinical sample sets of tissue samples from a total of 272 additional women. Increased HAND2 methylation was a feature of premalignant endometrial lesions and was seen to parallel a decrease in RNA and protein levels. Furthermore, women with high endometrial HAND2 methylation in their premalignant lesions were less likely to respond to progesterone treatment. HAND2 methylation analysis of endometrial secretions collected using high vaginal swabs taken from women with postmenopausal bleeding specifically identified those patients with early stage endometrial cancer with both high sensitivity and high specificity (receiver operating characteristics area under the curve = 0.91 for stage 1A and 0.97 for higher than stage 1A). Finally, mice harbouring a Hand2 knock-out specifically in their endometrium were shown to develop precancerous endometrial lesions with increasing age, and these lesions also demonstrated a lack of PTEN expression.
HAND2 methylation is a common and crucial molecular alteration in endometrial cancer that could potentially be employed as a biomarker for early detection of endometrial cancer and as a predictor of treatment response. The true clinical utility of HAND2 DNA methylation, however, requires further validation in prospective studies.


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