
【字体: 时间:2013年01月11日 来源:生物通


  九十年前,科学家们首次发现了胰岛素,四十三年前,Dorothy C. Hodgkin首次确定了胰岛素的晶体结构,而今天最新一项研究公布了第一张胰岛素与其细胞表面受体结合的三维图像,相关成果发表于1月10日Nature杂志上,同期Nature杂志还配发了题为“Structural biology: Insulin meets its receptor”的评论性文章。



九十年前,科学家们首次发现了胰岛素,四十三年前,Dorothy C. Hodgkin首次确定了胰岛素的晶体结构,而今天这项最新研究公布了第一张胰岛素与其细胞表面受体结合的三维图像,相关成果发表于1月10日Nature杂志上,同期Nature杂志还配发了题为“Structural biology: Insulin meets its receptor”的评论性文章。



文章作者之一,Marek Brzozowski博士表示,“我们的这篇论文就这些系统中的关键分子,如何开启胰岛素信号事件,提出了一种具有里程碑意义的三维描述。这些发现显示出了结构生物学在分析这些基础性生物进程中的强大作用。我们的研究成果解决了一个长期问题,分析了人类一种主要的内分泌系统的结构生物学。”


这项研究也凝聚了三代人的心血,它的发现需要感谢三位已退休的杰出科学家:Colin Ward(胰岛素受体结构生物学研究先锋);Guy Dodson(Dorothy C. Hodgkin的学生,在经典胰岛素晶体结构研究中贡献了重要作用);Don Steiner(胰岛素,及糖尿病相关遗传综合征的发现者)。



How insulin engages its primary binding site on the insulin receptor

Insulin receptor signalling has a central role in mammalian biology, regulating cellular metabolism, growth, division, differentiation and survival1, 2. Insulin resistance contributes to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease3; aberrant signalling occurs in diverse cancers, exacerbated by cross-talk with the homologous type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF1R)4. Despite more than three decades of investigation, the three-dimensional structure of the insulin–insulin receptor complex has proved elusive, confounded by the complexity of producing the receptor protein. Here we present the first view, to our knowledge, of the interaction of insulin with its primary binding site on the insulin receptor, on the basis of four crystal structures of insulin bound to truncated insulin receptor constructs. The direct interaction of insulin with the first leucine-rich-repeat domain (L1) of insulin receptor is seen to be sparse, the hormone instead engaging the insulin receptor carboxy-terminal α-chain (αCT) segment, which is itself remodelled on the face of L1 upon insulin binding. Contact between insulin and L1 is restricted to insulin B-chain residues. The αCT segment displaces the B-chain C-terminal β-strand away from the hormone core, revealing the mechanism of a long-proposed conformational switch in insulin upon receptor engagement. This mode of hormone–receptor recognition is novel within the broader family of receptor tyrosine kinases5. We support these findings by photo-crosslinking data that place the suggested interactions into the context of the holoreceptor and by isothermal titration calorimetry data that dissect the hormone–insulin receptor interface. Together, our findings provide an explanation for a wealth of biochemical data from the insulin receptor and IGF1R systems relevant to the design of therapeutic insulin analogues.

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