【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2012年11月12日 来源:生物通
领导这项研究的是犹他大学医学院副院长Y. Li教授,他指出这项发现为开发更安全的强力抗炎症药物提供了路线图,不仅为节炎患者还未其他数百万炎症相关疾病患者带来了福音,包括糖尿病、创伤性脑损伤和炎症性肠病等。“这将彻底改变相关领域的制药方式,”他说,“我们找到的制药新途径可以替换现有最有效的关节炎药物。此外,我们也为其他疾病中的炎症开辟了新治疗途径,之前人们因顾忌影响免疫系统而不敢尝试的治疗有望实现。”
犹他大学专攻风湿病的内科医生助理教授Tracy M. Frech认为,这项发现对于风湿病领域有着巨大影响。“这一发现将会让我们能够更有效的治疗狼疮、系统性硬化病和一大类炎症性关节炎,而不会使患者更易受到感染,”她说,“这是一项显著的成果。”目前,研究人员正计划与制药公司或USTAR开展合作,大规模筛选可用于制药的化合物,以开发新一代抗炎症药物。
Interleukin receptor activates a MYD88–ARNO–ARF6 cascade to disrupt vascular stability.
The innate immune response is essential for combating infectious disease. Macrophages and other cells respond to infection by releasing cytokines, such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β), which in turn activate a well-described, myeloid-differentiation factor 88 (MYD88)-mediated, nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB)-dependent transcriptional pathway that results in inflammatory-cell activation and recruitment1, 2, 3, 4. Endothelial cells, which usually serve as a barrier to the movement of inflammatory cells out of the blood and into tissue, are also critical mediators of the inflammatory response5, 6. Paradoxically, the cytokines vital to a successful immune defence also have disruptive effects on endothelial cell–cell interactions and can trigger degradation of barrier function and dissociation of tissue architecture7, 8, 9. The mechanism of this barrier dissolution and its relationship to the canonical NF-κB pathway remain poorly defined. Here we show that the direct, immediate and disruptive effects of IL-1β on endothelial stability in a human in vitro cell model are NF-κB independent and are instead the result of signalling through the small GTPase ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6) and its activator ARF nucleotide binding site opener (ARNO; also known as CYTH2). Moreover, we show that ARNO binds directly to the adaptor protein MYD88, and thus propose MYD88–ARNO–ARF6 as a proximal IL-1β signalling pathway distinct from that mediated by NF-κB. Finally, we show that SecinH3, an inhibitor of ARF guanine nucleotide-exchange factors such as ARNO, enhances vascular stability and significantly improves outcomes in animal models of inflammatory arthritis and acute inflammation.