【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2012年10月10日 来源:生物通
文章的通讯作者包括来自中国医学科学院医药生物技术研究所的司书毅,蒋建东,以及佛罗里达州立大学的Yanchang Wang,其中司书毅研究员主要从事医药生物技术研究,在微生物来源的化合物药效等方面取得了不少成果。
结核杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)与麻风杆菌是分枝杆菌属中的主要病原菌,其中结核杆菌每年会夺取两百万人的生命,并且逐渐发展的耐药性也是死亡率增加的一个重要原因。耐药结核病是当今全球结核病控制领域中的迫切课题,由于在结核病的治疗中忽视了治疗的管理,加之20世纪80年代以来,又受到HIV/AIDS感染流行的影响,结核菌耐药性与耐药结核病逐渐增多,甚至不少国家与地区发生多耐药结核病的暴发流行,因此开发新的抗结核药物迫在眉睫。
Identification of antituberculosis agents that target ribosomal protein interactions using a yeast two-hybrid system
Mycobacterium tuberculosis kills about 2 million people annually and antibiotic resistance is a cause of increased mortality. Therefore, development of new antituberculosis drugs is urgent for the control of widespread tuberculosis infections. For this purpose, we performed an innovative screen to identify new agents that disrupt the function of ribosomes in M. tuberculosis. Two bacterial ribosomal proteins L12 and L10 interact with each other and constitute the stalk of the 50S ribosomal subunit, which recruits initiation and elongation factors (EFs) during translation. Therefore, the L12–L10 interaction should be essential for ribosomal function and protein synthesis. We established a yeast two-hybrid system to identify small molecules that block the interaction between L12 and L10 proteins from M. tuberculosis. Using this system, we identified two compounds T766 and T054 that show strong bactericidal activity against tuberculosis but with low toxicity to mice and other bacterial strains. Moreover, using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) assay, we have demonstrated that these compounds bind specifically to L12 to disrupt L12–L10 interaction. Overproduction of L12 protein, but not L10, lowers the antibacterial activity of T766 and T054, indicating that the ribosome is likely the cellular target. Therefore, our data demonstrate that this yeast two-hybrid system is a useful tool to identify unique antituberculosis agents targeting the ribosomal protein L12–L10 interaction.
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