
【字体: 时间:2011年09月02日 来源:生物通


  来自中国科学院上海生命科学院神经科学研究所的罗振革研究组主要研究神经元形态发生和突触形成的分子机制。进入2011年,这一研究组接连又发表了JBC,Developmental Cell杂志,获得了重要研究进展。除此之外,这一研究组目前正在招聘博士后,助理研究员和研究助理,有兴趣的读者可以关注下。


生物通报道:来自中国科学院上海生命科学院神经科学研究所的罗振革研究组主要研究神经元形态发生和突触形成的分子机制,重点关注神经元极性建立机制和调节轴树突分化的胞内外信号机理(PNAS, 2006, 2008; Nature Cell Biology, 2007; JBC,2011; Developmental Cell,2011);另外, 以神经肌肉接头为模型,研究突触分化和重塑的分子机理(Neuron, 2002, 2003, 2007; JBC, 2008; J. Neurosci.2010)。进入2011年,这一研究组接连又发表了JBC,Developmental Cell杂志,获得了重要研究进展。除此之外,这一研究组目前正在招聘博士后,助理研究员和研究助理,有兴趣的读者可以关注下。

在最新的《Developmental Cell》文章中,这一研究组成员发现了神经元轴突发育过程中细胞膜的不对称插入机制,取得了神经元极化和轴突发育研究新进展。


在罗振革研究员的指导下,博士研究生王彤和刘阳等人对该问题进行了深入研究。他们发现抑癌蛋白Lgl1在该过程中发挥重要作用,Lgl1定位在质膜前体囊泡(plasmalemmal precursor vesicle,PPV)的胞浆侧,在轴突发育过程中具有极性分布。在培养的海马神经元中,下调Lgl1会抑制PPV向细胞膜的插入,并使神经元丧失极性,过表达Lgl1会促进轴突的发育。进一步的机制研究表明,Lgl1通过调节小G蛋白Rab10来发挥作用,Lgl1可以使胞浆中的Rab10与GDI(GDP-dissociation inhibitor)解离,从而促进Rab10定位到PPV。下调Rab10的表达或抑制其活性也会影响PPV的膜插入,使神经元失去极性,上调其表达会促进轴突发育。Lgl1通过Rab10调节PPV向细胞膜的插入及神经元的极化。后继工作正在深入研究Rab10囊泡的转运机制、效应因子、膜定位及膜融合信号。





Lgl1 Activation of Rab10 Promotes Axonal Membrane Trafficking Underlying Neuronal Polarization

Directed membrane trafficking is believed to be crucial for axon development during neuronal morphogenesis. However, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we report a role of Lgl1, the mammalian homolog of Drosophila tumor suppressor Lethal giant larvae, in controlling membrane trafficking underlying axonal growth. We find that Lgl1 is associated with plasmalemmal precursor vesicles and enriched in developing axons. Lgl1 upregulation promoted axonal growth, whereas downregulation attenuated it as well as directional membrane insertion. Interestingly, Lgl1 interacted with and activated Rab10, a small GTPase that mediates membrane protein trafficking, by releasing GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) from Rab10. Furthermore, Rab10 lies downstream of Lgl1 in axon development and directional membrane insertion. Finally, both Lgl1 and Rab10 are required for neocortical neuronal polarization in vivo. Thus, the Lgl1 regulation of Rab10 stimulates the trafficking of membrane precursor vesicles, whose fusion with the plasmalemma is crucial for axonal growth.

Calpain activation by Wingless-type murine mammary tumor virus integration site family, member 5A (Wnt5a) promotes axonal growth.

Axon development involves spatial-temporal cytoskeletal reorganization. However, how the cytoskeleton remodeling is modulated by extracellular cues is unclear. Here, we report a role of Wnt/Ca2+ signaling in regulating actin and growth cone dynamics. We found that treatment of cultured cortical neurons with Wnt5a, a non-canonical Wnt, either globally or locally, caused an increase in the activity of calpain, a calcium-dependent protease responsible for the cleavage of several actin binding proteins, including spectrin. Treatment with Wnt5a promoted growth cone advance, as well as axonal growth, and these effects were prevented by chelating intracellular calcium, inhibition or down-regulation of calpain, or blockade of spectrin cleavage by competitive peptides. Interestingly, both Wnt5a and activated calpain were found to be mainly distributed in the axon-rich intermediate zone of neocortex. Down-regulating calpain expression interfered with the growth of callosal axons in vivo. Thus, Wnt5a serves as a physiological cue to stimulate localized calpain activity, which in turn promotes growth cone advance and axonal growth.




1984-1988年,南开大学生物系,本科 1988-1991年,军事医学科学院,硕士 1991-1992年,天津254医院传染科,医师 1992-1995年,军事医学科学院,博士 1995-1999年,军事医学科学院微生物流行病研究所免疫学研究室助理研究员、副研究员,并担任研究室常务副主任。 2000.01-2003. 05,美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(University of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB)神经生物学系,博士后。 2003.06-至今,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所研究员,博士生导师。


罗振革博士主要从事神经发育的分子细胞机制研究, 特别是神经元形态发生的分子机制以及突触形成和重构的机理研究。在神经元极性建立、神经元轴-树突发育和突触形成等神经发育的重要领域取得了系列研究成果。在包括《Nature Cell Biology》、《Neuron》等国际学术期刊发表系列研究论文,至今被他人引用433次。先后培养硕士和博士研究生17名。罗振革博士是科学院“****”入选者,终期评估为优秀;获得“国家杰出青年基金”资助,并担任国家自然科学基金创新研究群体的负责人。曾获得“中国青年科技奖”、“新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选”以及“上海市学科带头人”等荣誉称号。

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