博士生发著名刊物文章 解析水稻基因

【字体: 时间:2011年02月21日 来源:生物通


  上海交通大学生命科学技术学院,植物分子生物学与生物安全实验室张大兵教授研究组的博士生本月接连在植物分子生物学领域的著名刊物《The Plant Cell》上发表文章,取得了水稻基因研究的新进展。


生物通报道:来自上海交大的消息,上海交通大学生命科学技术学院,植物分子生物学与生物安全实验室张大兵教授研究组的博士生本月接连在植物分子生物学领域的著名刊物《The Plant Cell》上发表文章,取得了水稻基因研究的新进展。







RICE MORPHOLOGY DETERMINANT Encodes the Type II Formin FH5 and Regulates Rice Morphogenesis

Multicellular organisms contain a large number of formins; however, their physiological roles in plants remain poorly understood. Here, we reveal that formin homology 5 (FH5), a type II formin mutated in rice morphology determinant (rmd), plays a crucial role in determining rice (Oryza sativa) morphology. FH5/RMD encodes a formin-like protein consisting of an N-terminal phosphatase tensin (PTEN)-like domain, an FH1 domain, and an FH2 domain. The rmd mutants display a bending growth pattern in seedlings, are stunted as adult plants, and have aberrant inflorescence (panicle) and seed shape. Cytological analysis showed that rmd mutants have severe cell elongation defects and abnormal microtubule and microfilament arrays. FH5/RMD is ubiquitously expressed in rice tissues, and its protein localization to the chloroplast surface is mediated by the PTEN domain. Biochemical assays demonstrated that recombinant FH5 protein can nucleate actin polymerization from monomeric G-actin or actin/profilin complexes, cap the barbed end of actin filaments, and bundle actin filaments in vitro. Moreover, FH5 can directly bind to and bundle microtubules through its FH2 domain in vitro. Our findings suggest that the rice formin protein FH5 plays a critical role in determining plant morphology by regulating actin dynamics and proper spatial organization of microtubules and microfilaments.

Rice MADS3 Regulates ROS Homeostasis during Late Anther Development

The rice (Oryza sativa) floral homeotic C-class gene, MADS3, was previously shown to be required for stamen identity determination during early flower development. Here, we describe a role for MADS3 in regulating late anther development and pollen formation. Consistent with this role, MADS3 is highly expressed in the tapetum and microspores during late anther development, and a newly identified MADS3 mutant allele, mads3-4, displays defective anther walls, aborted microspores, and complete male sterility. During late anther development, mads3-4 exhibits oxidative stress-related phenotypes. Microarray analysis revealed expression level changes in many genes in mads3-4 anthers. Some of these genes encode proteins involved in reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis; among them is MT-1-4b, which encodes a type 1 small Cys-rich and metal binding protein. In vivo and in vitro assays showed that MADS3 is associated with the promoter of MT-1-4b, and recombinant MT-1-4b has superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. Reducing the expression of MT-1-4b causes decreased pollen fertility and an increased level of superoxide anion in transgenic plants. Our findings suggest that MADS3 is a key transcriptional regulator that functions in rice male reproductive development, at least in part, by modulating ROS levels through MT-1-4b.



工作、学习经历:1998年中国科学院上海植物生理生态所植物分子遗传专业获博士学位。2005年-现在,上海交通大学生命科学技术学院植物分子生物学与生物安全实验室负责人。国家农业转基因生物标准化委员会委员;第二届国家农业生物安全委员会委员;中国植物学会第十三届理事会植物生理及分子生物学专业委员会委员;《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》《Journal of Plant Physiology》常务编委。



发表的主要论文(*通讯作者): 围绕花器官发育和生物安全检测等方面在Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Nucleic Acids Research等刊物发表论文40多篇。

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