
【字体: 时间:2010年09月26日 来源:生物通





早年出生于四川的邓林红教授最初是学习机械工程铸造专业的工程师出身,但是在他报考研究生,希望进一步深造的时候,却决定转向较为新兴的学科:生物流变学研究。在这之后,邓红林教授凭借着自己的努力获得了一系列重要的成果,印证了这一决定的明智:邓红林教授不仅受聘到世界一流学府——美国哈佛大学从事生物流变学的相关研究,而且在世界权威杂志《Nature Materials》、《Nature》上陆续发表了重要的研究成果,2009年邓林红教授更是入选了马奎斯美国名人录。





但是在我们所关注和研究的哮喘病人气道收缩(主要是气道平滑肌收缩)行为中有一个长期得不到合理解释的现象,即正常人的气道收缩后只需要一次深呼吸,等同于短暂拉伸气道组织,即可使收缩的气道松弛和扩张,而深呼吸的这一作用的效果比所有已知的气道松弛扩张剂的效果都要好。然而对于哮喘病人的气道,深呼吸的作用不仅完全失效,甚至可能进一步加大气道的收缩。虽然这个奇特的现象早在100多年前就已被哮喘病研究者,如Henry H. Salter,观察并详细描述下来(见Henry H. Salter, On Asthma, 1882),但由于深呼吸仅仅相当于一次短暂的机械拉伸作用,人们很难理解其对生物组织作用后产生的效应和机理。







除此之外还有许多原理相同或相近,但具体实现途径不同的生物流变学技术,尤其是近几年相关技术的发展非常快。当然,生物流变学研究也离不开一般生物学的研究手段和方法。比如,在本研究中我们就采用了细胞骨架荧光染色技术和Western Blotting等技术来分别观察和定量分析纤维状肌动蛋白的变化。















Fluidization and Resolidification of the Human Bladder Smooth Muscle Cell in Response to Transient Stretch

Background:Cells resident in certain hollow organs are subjected routinely to large transient stretches, including every adherent cell resident in lungs, heart, great vessels, gut, and bladder. We have shown recently that in response to a transient stretch the adherent eukaryotic cell promptly fluidizes and then gradually resolidifies, but mechanism is not yet understood.
Principal Findings:In the isolated human bladder smooth muscle cell, here we applied a 10% transient stretch while measuring cell traction forces, elastic modulus, F-actin imaging and the F-actin/G-actin ratio. Immediately after a transient stretch, F-actin levels and cell stiffness were lower by about 50%, and traction forces were lower by about 70%, both indicative of prompt fluidization. Within 5min, F-actin levels recovered completely, cell stiffness recovered by about 90%, and traction forces recovered by about 60%, all indicative of resolidification. The extent of the fluidization response was uninfluenced by a variety of signaling inhibitors, and, surprisingly, was localized to the unstretch phase of the stretch-unstretch maneuver in a manner suggestive of cytoskeletal catch bonds. When we applied an “unstretch-restretch” (transient compression), rather than a “stretch-unstretch” (transient stretch), the cell did not fluidize and the actin network did not depolymerize.
Conclusions:Taken together, these results implicate extremely rapid actin disassembly in the fluidization response, and slow actin reassembly in the resolidification response. In the bladder smooth muscle cell, the fluidization response to transient stretch occurs not through signaling pathways, but rather through release of increased tensile forces that drive acute disassociation of actin.



“生物微流变学与呼吸生物医学实验室”由“****”特聘教授、美国哈佛大学客座科学家邓林红教授组建,主要致力于研究气道平滑肌细胞生物力学行为与哮喘病的发病机理及其防治方法,同时也涉及呼吸医学工程、生物材料与组织工程、生物微流控与芯片技术、生物系统的数值模型等研究。该实验室与国内外众多机构有着广泛的交流与合作,拥有诸如磁微力扭转细胞流变测量系统、活细胞工作站等国际先进的科研设备,在细胞流变学与哮喘机理的研究方面居于世界先进水平,其成果在《 Nature 》、《 Nature Materials 》等国际顶尖杂志上发表。



05/2000 生物工程博士学位
英国斯查克莱大学 ( University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK )
论文题目 : Electrical and rheological properties of blood and hemorheometry.

07/1986 工学( 生物医学工程)硕士学位
论文题目 : Fahraeus effect in sheet flow through a narrow slit (4-36 m m thickness) of erythrocyte suspensions

09/1982 工学(机械工程)学士学位
毕业设计课题 : Metal crystallization process in fast quenching




重庆大学“国家 985 工程”科技创新平台-生物流变学与基因调控新技术研究院院长



加拿大 哈利法克斯生物医学( Halifax Biomedical)有限公司科学顾问、名誉董事

加拿大达豪斯大学 (Dalhousie University) 生物医学工程学院博士后、细胞力学实验室主任


09/1990 – 09/1992

09/1988 – 09/1990

03/1988 – 09/1990

06/1986 –09/1988

07/1983 – 09/1984



06/2008 第2届国际非均质材料力学会议生物启发材料力学分会场主席

11/2007 第6届平滑肌与炎症青年科学家国际会议平滑肌应力应变分会场主席

05/2005 第12届国际生物流变学大会平滑肌分会主席

10/2001 第4届中国科学青年科学家大会主席团成员、学术委员会成员、生物技术专题分会主席

1996- Journal of Biomechanics ( 生物力学杂志)、 J ournal of Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (生物化学与生物物理文摘杂志)、美国生理学杂志细胞生理学,和心脏与循环生理学等国际一流杂志审稿人


2010 中国侨界(创新人才)贡献奖

2010 教育部享受政府特殊津贴人选

2010 全国教育改革优秀教师和优秀教学论文一等奖

2009 重庆市留学回国人员先进个人

2009 重庆市“巴渝科技创新人才工程” (后备)人选

2008 入选美国 Marquis 名人录

2008 汤姆森科技 Science Watch (科学观察)评选的世界材料科学领域 Fast Breaking Paper (快速突破论文)

2003 美国实验生物学联合会平滑肌研究青年科学家奖

1992 国际生物流变学会旅行奖

1991-1995 英国大学校长会 ORS 奖学金

1991-1996 英国斯查克莱大学大为利文斯通奖学金

1990-1991 中英友好奖学金


1998-2004 加拿大华人信息技术专业人士协会理事

1992-1994 英国格拉斯哥市中国学生学者联合会主席


• Cheng Chen, Ramaswamy Krishnan, Enhua Zhou, Aruna Ramachandran, Dhananjay Tambe, Kavitha Rajendran, Rosalyn M. Adam, Linhong Deng, Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Fluidization and Resolidification of the Human Bladder Smooth Muscle Cell in Response to Transient Stretch. Plos One, 2010, 5(8), Online.

• Linhong Deng,Ynuk Bosse,Leslie Y.M. Chin,Sarah C. Connolly, Nigel J. Fairbank, Geoffrey N. Maksym,Peter D. Paré, Chun Y. Seow, and Newman L. Stephen, Stress and strain in the contractile and cytoskeletal filaments of airway smooth muscle. Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 22, 407-416, 2009

• Lv, Zhengjian, Wang, Jianhua, Deng, Linhong, Chen, Guoping. Preparation and Characterization of Covalently Binding of Rat Anti-human IgG Monolayer on Thiol-Modified Gold Surface. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2009, 4(12):1403-1408.

• Cai K, Dong H, Chen C, Yang L, Jandt KD, Deng L . Inkjet printing of laminin gradient to investigate endothelial cellular alignment. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2009; 72(2): 230-235.
• Hu Y, Cai K, Luo Z, Zhang R, Yang L, Deng L , Jandt KD. Surface mediated in situ differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells on gene-functionalized titanium films fabricated by layer-by-layer technique. Biomaterials 2009; Biomaterials. 2009; 30(21):3626-3635.

• Song, Aijing, Liu, Chundong, Wang, Jianhua, Deng, Linhong . Sulfoakyl ether β-cycledextrin derivatives synthesized by a single step method as pharmaceutical biomaterials. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(2): 3187-3199.

• Fairbank, Nigel J., Connolly, Sarah C., Wehry, Kathrin, Deng, Linhong , and Geoffrey N. Maksym. IL-1β- and Mechanical Stress-Mediated Cytoskeletal Remodeling and Contractility in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells. Am J Physiol. Lung Molecular and Cellular Biology , (Submitted), 2009

• Fairbank, Nigel J., Connolly, Sarah C., MacKinnon, James D., Wehry, Kathrin, Deng, Linhong , and Geoffrey N.Maksym. Airway smooth muscle cell tone amplifies contractile function in the presence of chronic cyclic strain . Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol , 295 (3): L479-488, 2008

• Cai, Kaiyong, Hu, Yan, Luo, Zhong, Kong, Ting, Lai, Min, Sui,Xiaojing, Wang, Yuanliang, Yang, Li , and Linhong Deng . Cell-Specific Gene Transfection from a Gene-Functionalized Poly(lactic acid) Substrate Fabricated by the Layer-by-Layer Assembly Technique. Angewandte Chemie , 47(39): 7479-7481, 2008

• 邓林红 . 力学与奥林匹克体育运动 [J]. 力学与实践 , 30(3):1-9, 2008

• Deng, Linhong ., Dynamics of the cytoskeleton: A portrait of living cells as heterogeneous and nonequilibrial materials , in Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics , DESTECH PUBLICATIONS INC: Lancaster . p. 582-587, 2008 .

• Kaiyong Cai, Yan Hu, Zhong Luo, Ting Kong, Min Lai, Xiaojing Sui, Yuanliang Wang, Li Yang, Linhong Deng . Cell-Specific Gene Transfection from a Gene-Functionalized Poly(lactic acid) Substrate Fabricated by the Layer-by-Layer Assembly Technique. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47(39): 7479-7481, 2008

• Xavier Trepat, Linhong Deng, Steve S. An, Daniel Nevajas, Daniel J Tschumperlin, Willliam T. Gerthoffer, James P. Butler, and Jeffrey J. Fredber g. Universal physical responses to stretch in the living cell. Nature 447:592-595, 31 May , 2007

• An SS, Bai TR, Bates JHT, Black JL, Brown RH, Brusasco V, Chitano P, Deng L , Dowell M, Eidelman DH, Fabry B, Fairbank NJ, Ford LE, Fredberg JJ, Gerthoffer WT, Gilbert SH, Gosens R, Gunst SJ, Halayko AJ, Ingram RH, Irvin CG, James AL, Janssen LJ, King GG, Knight DA, Lauzon AM, Lakser OJ, Ludwig MS, Lutchen KR, Maksym GN, Martin JG, Mauad T 2 , McParland BE, Mijailovich SM, Mitchell HW, Mitchell RW, Mitzner W, Murphy TM, Paré PD, Pellegrino R, Sanderson MJ, Schellenberg RR, Seow CY, Silveira PSP, Smith PG, Solway J, Stephens NL, Sterk PJ, Stewart AG, Tang DD, Tepper RS, Tran T, Wang L. Airway smooth muscle dynamics: a common pathway of airway obstruction in asthma. European Respiratory J 29:834-860 , 2007 (Authors are in alphabetic order, and members of an ad hoc expert discussion panel on airway smooth muscle structure and function).

• Kaiyong Cai, Jun Zhang , Linhong Deng , Li Yang, Yan Hu, Lei Xu. Physical and biological properties of a novel hydrogel composite based on oxidized alginate, gelatin and tricalcium phosphate for bone tissue engineering. Advanced Engineering Materials . Vol. 9:1082-1088, 2007

• Linhong Deng, Xavier Trepat, James P. Butler, Emil Millet, Kathleen G. Morgan, David A. Weitz and Jeffrey J. Fredberg. Fast and slow dynamics of the cytoskeleton. Nature Materials 5:636-640, 2006

• Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, DJ Cole, JJ Fredberg and GN Maksym. Airway smooth muscle tone modulates mechanically induced cytoskeletal stiffening and remodeling. J Appl Physiol 99: 634-641, 2005 .

• Maksym, GN, Deng, L, Fairbank , NJ , Lall , CA , and SC Connoly: Beneficial and harmful effects of oscillatory mechanical strain on airway smooth muscle. Canadian Journal of physiology and Pharmacology 83:913-922, 2005 .

• Bai TR, Bates JH, Brusasco V, Camoretti-Mercado B, Chitano P, Deng LH , Dowell M, Fabry B, Ford LE, Fredberg JJ, Gerthoffer WT, Gilbert SH, Gunst SJ, Hai CM, Halayko AJ, Hirst SJ, James AL, Janssen LJ, Jones KA, King GG, Lakser OJ, Lambert RK, Lauzon AM, Lutchen KR, Maksym GN, Meiss RA, Mijailovich SM, Mitchell HW, Mitchell RW, Mitzner W, Murphy TM, Pare PD, Schellenberg RR, Seow CY, Sieck GC, Smith PG, Smolensky AV, Solway J, Stephens NL, Stewart AG, Tang DD, Wang L. On the terminology for describing the length-force relationship and its changes in airway smooth muscle. J Appl Physiol . 97(6):2029-34, 2004 ( An invited editorial )

• Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, B Fabry, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Localized mechanical stress induces time-dependent actin cytoskeletal remodeling and stiffening in cultured airway smooth muscle cells. Am J Physiol: Cell Physiol . 287: C440-448, 2004

• Smith, P.G., Deng, L. , Fredberg, J.J. and G.N. Maksym: Mechanical Strain Increases Cell Stiffness Through Cytoskeletal Filament Reorganization. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 285(2):L456-63, 2003

• Deng, L.H., J.C.Barbenel and Lowe, G.D.O: Influence of hematocrit on the erythrocyte aggregation kinetics for suspension of red blood cells in autologous plasma, Biorheology , 31:193-205,1994

• Deng, L.H., Y.P.Wu, G.R.Wang, R.F.Yang and Lee J.S.: The Fahraeus effect in sheet flows with a gap thickness of 4 to 36 m m. Trans. ASME J. of Biomechanical Engineering, 111:32-36,1989

Peer-reviewed journal abstract articles

• Deng, L, and JJ Fredberg . Dynamics of the airway smooth muscle cytoskeleton is dependent on the cellular confluence Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 1 75 ( 4 ):A 347 , 200 7

• Deng, L., Trepat, X. and J.J. Fredberg. Intracellular heterogeneity of cytoskeletal mechanics in the airway smooth muscle cell. 2006 ATS International Conference, Proceedings of American Thoracic Society, 3:A471, 2006

• Trepat, X., Deng, L., An, S.S., Tschumperlin, D.J., Navajas, D. and J.J. Fredberg. Relaxation of the airway smooth muscle cell by a single transient stretch. 2006 ATS International Conference, Proceedings of American Thoracic Society, 3:A825, 2006

• An, S.S., Andrew, A.L., Deng, L., Fredberg, J.J., Holgate, S.T. and D.E. Davies. Biophysical properties of fibroblasts from normal versus asthmatic airways. 2006 ATS International Conference, Proceedings of American Thoracic Society, 3:A1024, 2006

• Alenca, A.M., Deng, L., Trepat, X., Millet, E. and J.J. Fredberg. Cytoskeletal dynamics of the airway smooth muscle cell: remodelling and seeking equilibrium energy. 2006 ATS International Conference, Proceedings of American Thoracic Society, 3:A586, 2006

• Xavier Trepat, Linhong Deng , Steven S. An, Daniel J. Tschumperlin, Ramon Farre, Jeffrey J. Fredberg Fluidization of the Living Cell by Stretch 2006 50 th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting Abstract #2714. Biophysical Journal, Volume 90, January, 2006

• Marina Marinkovic, Kevin T Turner, Linhong Deng , Subra Suresh, Jeffrey J Fredberg. Viscoelasticity of the human red blood cell. 2006 Experimental Biology and XXXVI International Congress of Physiological Sciences meeting abstracts. The FASEB Journal , 20 :Abstract #204.9, 2006

• Deng, L. and J.J. Fredberg. The Freshly Dissociated vs. the Passaged Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Exhibit Similar Rheologies. 2005 ATS International Conference, Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 2:A784, 2005

• Fairbank , N.J. Deng, L. and , G.N. Maksym. Functional Effects of Stimulation with Mechanical Stress and Inflammatory Cytokines in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells 2005 ATS International Conference, Proceedings of the American Thoracic Society, 2:A834, 2005

• Deng, L and J.J. Fredberg: Biorheological behavior of freshly Enzyme-dispersed airway smooth muscle cells. 12 th Int'l Congress of Biorheology and 5 th Int'l Conference on Clinical Hemorheology Abstracts, Biorheology, 42 (1,2):78(S20-3), 2005

• Mijailovic, S.M., Filipovic, N., Deng, L., Marinkovic, A. and J.J. Fredberg. Molecular origins of excessive airway smooth muscle shortening at organ level: A model of airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 12 th Int'l Congress of Biorheology and 5 th Int'l Conference on Clinical Hemorheology Abstracts, Biorheology, 42 (1,2):94 (S25-2), 2005

• Maksym, G.N., Fairbank , N.J. , Connoly , S.C. and L.Deng. Tone modulates stress-induced changes in airway smooth muscle cytoskeletal structure and mechanics. 12 th Int'l Congress of Biorheology and 5 th Int'l Conference on Clinical Hemorheology Abstracts, Biorheology, 42 (1,2):95(S25-5), 2005

• Deng, L, NJ Fairbank , SC Connoly, DJ Cole, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Irreversibility of stiffening in cultured airway smooth muscle cells induced by mechanical stress. Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine , 169(7):A27, 2004

• Deng, L, NJ Fairbank , SC Connoly, DJ Cole, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Long acting b -adrenoceptor agonist, formeterol, inhibits stiffening of cultured airway smooth muscle cells induced by mechanical stress. Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 169(7):A448, 2004

• Fairbank NJ , SC Connoly, L Deng, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Mechanotaxis of airway smooth muscle cells in response to mechanical strain. Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 169(7):A701, 2004

• Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, DJ Cole, GN Maksym. Mechanotaxis of airway smooth muscle cells in response to anisotropic substrate strain. Canadian Respiratory Journal , 11(3):232, 2004

• SC Connoly , NJ Fairbank, Deng, L, GN Maksym. Irreversible airway smooth muscle cell stiffening due to mechanical stress is preventable by reducing tone with b - adrenoceptor agonist. Canadian Respiratory Journal , 11(3):233, 2004

• Deng, L., Fairbank , N.J. , Cole, D.J, Smith, P.G. and Maksym, G.N.: Airway smooth muscle relaxant inhibits cytoskeletal stiffening induced by cyclic mechanical stress, Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 167(7):A731, 2003

• Fairbank , N.J. , Deng, L., Cole and Maksym, G.N.: Functional assessment of focal adhesion formation in airway smooth muscle cells. Am J Respiratory and Critical Medicine, 167(7):A714, 2003

• Deng, LH, B.Fabry, C.Hurley, NJ.Fairbank, PG.Smith and GN.Maksym. Cytoskeletal Remodeling In Airway Smooth Muscle Cells In Response To Localized Mechanical Stress. Am J Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 165: A671, 2002

• Deng, LH, Karagiannoglou SH, Sakas WI , Lowe GDO and Barbenel JC. The Impedance Measurement of Human Blood in Relations to the Hemorheological Determinants. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism vol. 4, No.2:167-168, 2002

• Maksym, GN, Deng LH , Fabry B, Fredberg JJ and Smith PG. Chronic Strain Induces Anisotropic Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Stiffness And Enhances Contractility. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 29: S-136, 2001

Peer reviewed conference proceedings ( Platform presentation if not noted otherwise )

• 邓林红 生物微流变学系列测量方法及其在细胞生理病理状态诊断中的应用。 中国生物医学工程进展 (张建保、卢虹冰、徐进 编), 1111-1114 页,西安交通大学出版社, 2007

• Deng, L, NJ Fairbank, DJ Cole and GN Maksym. Stress, tone and airway smooth muscle cytoskeletal remodeling. Proceedings of 2004 BMES Annual Fall Meeting , 454 Philadephia, Pennsylvania , October 13-16, 2004

• Deng, L, NJ Fairbank , SC Connoly, DJ Cole, PG Smith, GN Maksym. Mechanical stiffening in airway smooth muscle cells is reversible, but can be partially prevented by relaxant agonists. AstraZeneca 4 th Young Inverstigators' International Symposium on Airway Smooth Mucle, Epithelium and Inflammation , Durham, North Carolina, May 18-21, 2004

• Deng, L.,* N.J. Fairbank, P.G. Smith and G. N. Maksym: Cytosletal remodeling, increased stuffness and contractility if airway smooth muscle cells induced by mechanical stress modulated by bronchomotor tone. FASEB Summer Research Conference on Smooth Muscle, Snowmass , Colorado , July 5-10, 2003 . * Linhong Deng was selected as a recipient of FASEB Young Investigator Award for the presentation.

• Deng, L., N.J. Fairbank, D.J. Cole, P.G. Smith and G.N. Maksym: Mechanical stress and bronchomotor tone act synergistically to induce cytoskeletal stiffening of cultured airway smooth muscle cells. 3 rd International Young Investigators' Symposium on Smooth Muscle, Epithelium, and Airway Inflammation , Vancouver , BC., May 13-15, 2003

• Deng, LH, Karagiannoglou, SH, Sakas , WI and JC Barbenel: Effects of Geometrical Factors of Coplanar Electrodes on Biomedical Measurements as Exemplified by the Electrical Impedance Measurement of Saline and Blood. Proceedings of the Second Joint EMBS/BMES Conference, pp1667-1668, Houston , TX , USA , October 23-26, 2002 (Poster presentation).

• Deng, L. *, Fabry, B., Smith, P.G. and G.N. Maksym : Optical Magnetic Twisting Cytometry: a novel technology for cell mechanics research and its application to airway smooth muscle mechanics studies. Proceedings of the 4th Young Scientists Congress of China Science and Technology Association (Ed. Yutai Zhang, in Chinese language) , China Science & Technology Press, P1 Suppl, Beijing, China, 20-24, October, 2001 * This was an invited platform talk and I was co-chair of the Biomedical Technology section of this national conference.

• Deng, Linhong, Ben Fabry, Paul G. Smith, G.N.Maksym: Mechanical Strain increases smooth muscle cell constractility and anisotropy, Proceedings of the 21 st Annual Conference of Canadian Society of Biomaterial, p69-70, June 7-9, 2001, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

• Deng, L.H., Lennie, S. J.C.Barbenel and Lowe, G.D.O: Effects of cell and fibrinogen concentration on the aggregation parameters measured by the modified Myrenne MA-II aagregometer Proc. of the Eighth International Congress of Biorheology, Yokohama , Japan , 1992

• Deng, L.H., A.Rumley, S.Lennie, G.D.O.Low and Barbenel, J.C.: An evaluation study of the modified Myrenne MA-II aggregometer with varying hemorhrological determinants Proc. Of the 7 th European Conference of Clinical Haemorheology, Southampton , UK , 1991 (Poster presentation).

• Liu, Yuping, Deng, Linhong, Wu, Yunpeng, Wang, Gongrui, Yang, Ruifang: The blood viscoelastic properties within TDP radiation: Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Proc. of the Twelfth Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 12(5):2180-2181, 1990 (Poster presentation)


Deng, Linhong., Dynamics of the cytoskeleton: A portrait of living cells as heterogeneous and nonequilibrial materials, in Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics, DESTECH PUBLICATIONS INC: Lancaster. p. 582-587, 2008.

循环与呼吸系统的物质传输, 李仁师(美国)、杨瑞芳、王公瑞、蔡绍皙、邓林红著重庆大学出版社,1993


• Deng. Linhong. Extracellular matrix stiffness influences TGF2-β1-induced differentiation of bronchial fibroblasts into myofibroblasts. 2010 ATS International Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May 14-19, 2010.

• Deng, Linhong. Physical Regulation of Airway Smooth Muscle Cell Nano-dynamics. The Sino-German Symposium on Advanced Biomedical Nanostructures, Jena, Germany, 26-30 October, 2009.

• Deng. Linhong. Mechanical malleability of the airway smooth muscle cell. 1st Canada-China Symposium on Airway Smooth Muscle and Asthma. 2009, Chongqing, China. October 19-22, 2009.

• Deng, Linhong, Simultaneously mapping mechanical properties and imaging cytoskeleton structure of airway smooth muscle cell on micropatterned substrates by atomic force microscopy and laser scanning thconfocal microscopy. 8 International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine, Wuhan, China, 8-10 August, 2009.

• 邓林红,宋爱晶,刘恩梅. 生物医学工程与呼吸健康:重庆地区哮喘病与环境因素的关系. 第十一届中国科协年会. 重庆. 2009年9月9日.

• Deng, L Microrheology of the cytoskeleton and its biomedical implications ( 分会主题报告 ). 第 8 届全国生物力学学术会议 ,香港, 19-24 , December, 2007

• Deng,L., Trepat, X., Butler , J.P., Millet, E., Morgan, K.G., Weitz, D.A., and J.J. Fredberg. Fast and slow dynamics of the cytoskeleton. Gordon Research Conference of Theoretical Biology and Biomathematics, Tilton , NH , USA , 4-9, June, 2006

• Deng, L and J .J. Fredberg. RHEOLOGY OF FRESHLY ISOLATED AIRWAY SMOOTH MUSCLE CELLS. 5 th Astrazeneca International Young Investigators' Symposium on smooth muscle in airway and vascular disease . Malmo , Sweden , 13-16, September, 2005

• Deng, L. Cytoskeleton dynamics of freshly isolated airway smooth muscle cells Flow-Volume Underworld Meeting , Sonderborg , Denmark , 21-24, September. 2005


• Deng, L. Airway smooth muscle mechanics from cell to organ—a shifting paradigm to understand pathobiology of airway disease. Polymer Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersberg , MD , 20 Feb., 2007

• Xavier Trepat, Linhong Deng, Steve An, Daniel Tschumperlin, Ramon Farre, and Jeffrey Fredberg: Fluidization of the living cell by stretch. Poster session, Frontiers of Knowledge, Research Forum of the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA, April 18, 2006. Winner of the best poster presentation award.

• Marina Marinkvoc, Kevin Turner, Linhong Deng , Subra Suresh, and Jeffrey Fredberg: Viscoelasticity of the human red blood cell. Poster session, Frontiers of Knowledge, Research Forum of the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health , Boston, MA, USA, April 18, 2006

• Deng, L. : Stress and asthma, friend or foe? Dalhousie Respiratory Research, (Invited talk), Dalhousie University , Halifax , NS , Canada , 16 April, 2003 .

• Deng, L. : Mechanical stress and airway smooth muscle cells: a straining relationship? Dalhousie Biomedical Engineering Research Day , Dalhousie University , Halifax , NS , Canada , 6 May, 2003


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