【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2010年08月25日 来源:生物通
美国加利福尼亚大学、圣地亚哥医学院和Ludwig癌症研究所的研究者发现了有性生殖生物细胞减数分裂生成生殖细胞的一种新的特殊机制。研究者通过这个特殊机制解释了卵细胞染色体分离时发生染色体分配错误导致唐氏综合征的原因。这一发现在《Nature Cell Biology.》上发表。
生物通报道 美国加利福尼亚大学、圣地亚哥医学院和Ludwig癌症研究所的研究者发现了有性生殖生物细胞减数分裂生成生殖细胞的一种新的特殊机制。研究者通过这个特殊机制解释了卵细胞染色体分离时发生染色体分配错误导致唐氏综合征的原因。这一发现在《Nature Cell Biology.》上发表。
利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥医学院细胞与分子医学系教授、Ludwig癌症研究所研究员Arshad Desai博士利用秀丽隐杆线虫作为研究细胞分裂的模型。Desai实验室的一位博士后人员Julien Dumont利用延时成像显微技术高精度观察了卵细胞的减数分裂。
Nature Cell Biology (2010) doi:10.1038/ncb2093
A kinetochore-independent mechanism drives anaphase chromosome separation during acentrosomal meiosis
Julien Dumont,Karen Oegema& Arshad Desai
Although assembly of acentrosomal meiotic spindles has been extensively studied1, little is known about the segregation of chromosomes on these spindles. Here, we show in Caenorhabditis elegans oocytes that the kinetochore protein, KNL-1, directs assembly of meiotic kinetochores that orient chromosomes. However, in contrast to mitosis, chromosome separation during meiotic anaphase is kinetochore-independent. Before anaphase, meiotic kinetochores and spindle poles disassemble along with the microtubules on the poleward side of chromosomes. During anaphase, microtubules then form between the separating chromosomes. Functional analysis implicated a set of proteins that localize to a ring-shaped domain between kinetochores during pre-anaphase spindle assembly and anaphase separation. These proteins are localized by the chromosomal passenger complex, which regulates the loss of meiotic chromosome cohesion2, 3, 4. Thus, meiotic segregation in C. elegans is a two-stage process, where kinetochores orient chromosomes, but are then dispensable for their separation. We suggest that separation is controlled by a meiosis-specific chromosomal domain to coordinate cohesin removal and chromosome segregation.