华大最新《Nature》封面文章 解码古老基因组

【字体: 时间:2010年02月22日 来源:生物通


  丹麦哥本哈根大学,深圳华大基因研究院的科研人员在最新一期的Nature封面上发表古人类基因组测序成果,Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo,解析4000年前古人类的基因组密码。


生物通报道,丹麦哥本哈根大学,深圳华大基因研究院的科研人员在最新一期的Nature封面上发表古人类基因组测序成果,Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo,解析4000年前古人类的基因组密码。


文章通讯作者是丹麦哥本哈根大学的Eske Willerslev教授和华大基因研究院的王俊教授,第一作者有三位,分别是哥本哈根大学的Morten Rasmussen,华大的李英睿,哥本哈根大学的Stinus Lindgreen


同期Nature发表了相关新闻评论文章DNA secret of ice hair


来自华盛顿大学的一名分子人类学家Brian Kemp对这一空前的成果表示祝贺,他认为,这一基因组序列的破解为探明人类进化路径,寻找古人类与现代人的进化差异带来了极大的便利,十分有意义。




这束爱斯基摩人的头发早在1986年就被考古学家们发现,从格陵兰岛的冻土中被找到后一直被收藏在哥本哈根的自然历史博物馆中,历经了20几年。直到2008年,哥本哈根大学的Eske Willerslev首次从这些头发束中提取出DNA,解开古人类基因组序列密码之旅开始了。







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Nature 463, 757-762 (11 February 2010) | doi:10.1038/nature08835; Received 30 November 2009; Accepted 18 January 2010


Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo

Morten Rasmussen1,2,25, Yingrui Li2,3,25, Stinus Lindgreen1,4,25, Jakob Skou Pedersen4, Anders Albrechtsen4, Ida Moltke4, Mait Metspalu5, Ene Metspalu5, Toomas Kivisild5,6, Ramneek Gupta7, Marcelo Bertalan7, Kasper Nielsen7, M. Thomas P. Gilbert1,2, Yong Wang8, Maanasa Raghavan1,9, Paula F. Campos1, Hanne Munkholm Kamp1,4, Andrew S. Wilson10, Andrew Gledhill10, Silvana Tridico11,12, Michael Bunce12, Eline D. Lorenzen1, Jonas Binladen1, Xiaosen Guo2,3, Jing Zhao2,3, Xiuqing Zhang2,3, Hao Zhang2,3, Zhuo Li2,3, Minfeng Chen2,3, Ludovic Orlando13, Karsten Kristiansen2,3,4, Mads Bak14, Niels Tommerup14, Christian Bendixen15, Tracey L. Pierre16, Bjarne Grønnow17, Morten Meldgaard18, Claus Andreasen19, Sardana A. Fedorova5,20, Ludmila P. Osipova21, Thomas F. G. Higham9, Christopher Bronk Ramsey10, Thomas v. O. Hansen22, Finn C. Nielsen22, Michael H. Crawford23, Søren Brunak7,24, Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén7, Richard Villems5, Rasmus Nielsen4,8, Anders Krogh2,4, Jun Wang2,3,4 & Eske Willerslev1,2


We report here the genome sequence of an ancient human. Obtained from ~4,000-year-old permafrost-preserved hair, the genome represents a male individual from the first known culture to settle in Greenland. Sequenced to an average depth of 20×, we recover 79% of the diploid genome, an amount close to the practical limit of current sequencing technologies. We identify 353,151 high-confidence single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), of which 6.8% have not been reported previously. We estimate raw read contamination to be no higher than 0.8%. We use functional SNP assessment to assign possible phenotypic characteristics of the individual that belonged to a culture whose location has yielded only trace human remains. We compare the high-confidence SNPs to those of contemporary populations to find the populations most closely related to the individual. This provides evidence for a migration from Siberia into the New World some 5,500 years ago, independent of that giving rise to the modern Native Americans and Inuit.

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