解廷《Cell Stem Cell》发文章 干细胞恰似睡美人

【字体: 时间:2009年09月28日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,美国密苏里州斯托瓦斯医学研究所(Stowers Institute for Medical Research),堪萨斯大学医学院解剖与细胞生物学系的解廷教授在最新一期的《Cell Stem Cell》上发表评述文章Stem Cell in the Adult Drosophila Hindgut: Just a Sleeping Beauty,点评本期《Cell Stem Cell》发表的一篇研究性文章The Drosophila Hindgut Lacks Constitutively Active Adult Stem Cells but Proliferates in Response to Tissue Damage。


生物通报道,美国密苏里州斯托瓦斯医学研究所(Stowers Institute for Medical Research),堪萨斯大学医学院解剖与细胞生物学系的解廷教授在最新一期的《Cell Stem Cell》上发表评述文章Stem Cell in the Adult Drosophila Hindgut: Just a Sleeping Beauty,点评本期《Cell Stem Cell》发表的一篇研究性文章The Drosophila Hindgut Lacks Constitutively Active Adult Stem Cells but Proliferates in Response to Tissue Damage


解廷教授主要从事干细胞方面的研究工作,对干细胞niche的研究有较深的造诣,曾在《Cell Stem Cell》发表干细胞衰老调控研究的成果文章。利用果蝇卵巢生殖干细胞(germline stem cellsGSCs)作为研究模型,证明干细胞功能中年龄依赖性的下降和其niche在干细胞整个衰老过程中扮演着十分重要的角色。


在这篇新的Cell Stem Cell文章中,解廷教授对Fox Spradling的文章进行点评。Fox等发现果蝇的后肠中孕育着大量的干细胞,一般情况下这些干细胞没有活性,而当组织受到损失时,这些大量的干细胞便得以复活。



(生物通 小茜)



Stem Cell in the Adult Drosophila Hindgut: Just a Sleeping Beauty

Ting Xie1, 2, , 

1 Stowers Institute for Medical Research, 1000 East 50th street, Kansas City, MO 64110, USA

2 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Kansas School of Medicine, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66160, USA

Corresponding author


The Drosophila hindgut was suggested to harbor constitutively active stem cells. In this issue of Cell Stem Cell, Fox and Spradling (2009) demonstrate that this organ contains only dormant stem cells capable of proliferating and producing differentiated cells in response to injury.



The Drosophila Hindgut Lacks Constitutively Active Adult Stem Cells but Proliferates in Response to Tissue Damage

Donald T. Fox1 and Allan C. Spradling1, , 

1 Department of Embryology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Carnegie Institution, 3520 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

Corresponding author


The adult Drosophila hindgut was recently reported to contain active, tissue-replenishing stem cells, like those of the midgut, but located within an anterior ring so as to comprise a single giant crypt. In contrast to this view, we observed no active stem cells and little cell turnover in adult hindgut tissue based on clonal marking and BrdU incorporation studies. Again contradicting the previous proposal, we showed that the adult hindgut is not generated by anterior stem cells during larval/pupal development. However, severe tissue damage within the hindgut elicits cell proliferation within a ring of putative quiescent stem cells at the anterior of the pylorus. Thus, the hindgut does not provide a model of tissue maintenance by constitutively active stem cells, but has great potential to illuminate mechanisms of stress-induced tissue repair.



廷(Xie Ting
出国时间: 1991
最后学位: 博士学位
获得学位的时间: 1996
最后获得学位的单位: Rutgers University,New Jersey, USA
现职单位: 斯德尔(Stowers)医学院
现任职务(英文): Associate Professor
现任职务(中译): 副教授
从事的学科领域: 生命科学与生物技术
专业: 细胞生物学
主要研究方向: 干细胞
现在进行的研究课题: Genetic and molecular studies on the mechanisms controlling stem cell self-renewal,proliferation and differentiation in Drosophila and mice
现单位通讯地址: 1000 East 50 Street Kansas City,MO 64110
传真: 816-916-2029
E-mail: tgx@stowersinstitute.org
所在国家///城市: 美国 , Kansas City

1.Xiaoqing Song,Marco D.Wong,Eihachiro Kawase,Rongwen Xi,Bee C.Ding,John J.McCarthy and Ting Xie(2004).BMP signals from niche cells directly repress transcription of a differentiation-promoting gene,bag of marbles,in germline stem cells in the Drosophila ovary.Development131,1353-1364.
2.Eihachiro Kawase Marco D.Wong,Bee C.Ding and Ting Xie(2004).Two BMP-like signaling pathways directly control the maintenance of germline stem cells in the Drosophila testis.Development 131,1365-1375.
3.Xiaoqing Song and Ting Xie(2003).The wingless signaling is required for the maintenance and proliferation of somatic stem cells in the Drosophila ovary. Development 103,3259-3268.
4.Chun-Hong Zhu and Ting Xie(2003).Clonal expansion of ovarian germline stem cells during niche formation in Drosophila.Development 130,2579-2588.
5.Xiaoqing Song and Ting Xie(2002).DE-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion is essential for maintaining somatic stem cells in the Drosophila ovary.PNAS,99,14813-14818.
6.Xiaoqing Song,Chun-Hong Zhu,Chuong Doan and Ting Xie(2002).Germline stem cells anchored by adherens junctions in the Drosophila ovary niches.Science 296,1855-1857.
7.Ting Xie and Allan C.Sprading(2001).The Drosophila ovary:an in vivo stem cell system.Stem Cell Biology (Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Series),D.R.Marshak,R.L.Gardner and D.Gottlied,eds.,129-148.
8.Ting Xie and Allan C.Sprading(2000).A niche maintaining germ line stem cells in the Drosophila Ovary.Science 290,328-330.
9.Ting Xie and Allan C.Sprading(1998).decapentaplegic is essential for the maintenance and division of germline stem cells in the Drosophila ovary.Cell 94,251-260.
10.Ting Xie,Alyce L.Finelli and Richard W.Padgett(1994).The Drosophila saxophone gene:a serine-threonine kinase receptor of TGF-β superfamily.Science 263,1756-1759.

1. 2003
,M.R.and Evelyn Hudson Foundation,M.R.and Evelyn Hudson Foundation prize.
2. 1992-1995
,Rutgers University,Busch Predoctoral Fellowship
3. 1984-1987
,Beijing Agricultural University,Highest Academic Honor.

I have visiteed Institute of Zoology of Chinese Academy of Sciences for seminars and have also carried out scientific changes.I have been helping Dr.Duan to train graduate students on stem cell research and have planned to do some collaborative research on stem cells.
I have visited Institute of Microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and College of Life Sciences of Beijing University for scientific exchanges.
Iwas invited to be a plenary speaker in The First International Symposium on Glaucoma(Beijing)in the spring of 2004.
I have been invited to speak in the coming 10 SCBA International Symposium(Beijing).

I(as a postdoctoral fellow)have first demonstrated that stem cells are controlled by their microenvironments or niches(Xie and Spradling,Science,2000).This niche concept has changed the way scientists study stem cells.
My laboratory has first identified cadherin as "glue"for anchoring stem cells in their niches(Song et al.,Science,2002;Song and Xie,PNAS,2002).It is clear by now that this is a general mechanism for anchoring stem cells in their niche.
Mlaboratory has identified important growth factors that are produced by niche cells and are essential for stem cell self-renewal and proliferation(Song and Cie,Development,2003;Song et al.Development,2004;Kawase ed al.Development,2004).The identification of those growth factors is critical for understanding stem cell biology and using stem cells as therapeutic tools.
My laboratory has recently discovered that multiple stem cells in one niche can derive from one precursor cell(Zhu and Xie,Development,2003).This discovery provides important insight into how empty niches are re-populated in stem cell therapy.

斯托瓦斯研究所(Stowers Institute

位于密苏里州堪萨斯市,这个60万平方尺的校园里集合了这种先进设施,主要致力于通过进行细胞基本生命过程的研究,寻求尖端技术更有效的预防和治疗疾病。Stowers InstituteJim StowersVirginia Stowers这两位癌症幸存者捐赠的2亿美元资助成立。

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