《Stem Cells》:干细胞诱导新技术 取代iPS?
【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2009年07月31日 来源:生物通
生物通报道,伊利诺大学动物生物科学系,基因组科学系,营养学系的科学家在最近一期的《Stem Cells》上发表研究性文章Direct Transdifferentiation of Stem/Progenitor Spermatogonia Into Reproductive and Nonreproductive Tissues of All Germ Layers 解析将性细胞转换为体细胞的特殊技术。
生物通报道,伊利诺大学动物生物科学系,基因组科学系,营养学系的科学家在最近一期的《Stem Cells》上发表研究性文章Direct Transdifferentiation of Stem/Progenitor Spermatogonia Into Reproductive and Nonreproductive Tissues of All Germ Layers 解析将性细胞转换为体细胞的特殊技术。
Paul S. Cooke研究小组利用上皮细胞和间质组织间不同寻常的互动作用,达到了转换精原干细胞的目的。实验中,他们将同系交配的老鼠的精原干细胞放置于前列腺间质上,在体内进行嫁接结合后,精原干细胞便逐渐生长成为前列腺上皮细胞。而与皮肤间质结合并在体内成长后,精原干细胞则可变成皮肤上皮细胞。他们甚至可以利用子宫间质将精原干细胞转换成子宫上皮细胞。为确保实验的准确性,研究人员使用基因中标注了绿色荧光标记的老鼠细胞进行了反复实验。
(生物通 小茜)
Direct Transdifferentiation of Stem/Progenitor Spermatogonia Into Reproductive and Nonreproductive Tissues of All Germ Layers
Liz Simona, Gail C. Ekmana, Natalia Kosterevaa, Zhen Zhanga, Rex A. Hessa, Marie-Claude Hofmanna,b, Paul S. Cookea,c
aDepartment of Veterinary Biosciences,University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
bInstitute for Genomic Biology, and University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
cDivision of Nutritional Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA
Pluripotent stem cells have great clinical potential for tissue regeneration/repair in humans. The use of embryonic stem (ES) cells is ethically controversial, leading to searches for other sources of pluripotent stem cells. Testicular spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) produce the spermatogenic lineage. Under in vitro conditions, SSCs have the ability to give rise to pluripotent ES-like cells. We hypothesized that stem/progenitor spermatogonia could directly transdifferentiate into different tissue types if they were recombined with inductive mesenchymes from fetal/neonatal organs using a tissue separation/recombination methodology and grown in vivo. Green fluorescent protein transgenic mice were used to track cell lineages. Our results indicate that stem/progenitor spermatogonia recombined with the appropriate mesenchyme can directly transdifferentiate in vivo into tissues of all germ layers, including prostatic, uterine, and skin epithelium. In addition, transdifferentiated tissue expressed molecular, histological, and functional markers of the appropriate epithelium. The ability of stem/progenitor spermatogonia to directly generate various epithelia emphasizes their clinical potential, and if adult human SSCs have similar properties, this may have applications in human regenerative medicine. STEM CELLS 2009;27:1666–1675