【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2009年07月28日 来源:生物通
生物通报道,从基因组水平改变生物的形状一直都是科学家们终极的追求,尽管这项技术还处于起步阶段,但它的前景无疑是十分灿烂的,最近美国威斯康辛医学院人类分子遗传学中心,Sigma-Aldrich公司的科学家在基因敲除技术上取得新的进展,文章Knockout Rats via Embryo Microinjection of Zinc-Finger Nucleases发表在最新一期《Science》上。
生物通报道,从基因组水平改变生物的形状一直都是科学家们终极的追求,尽管这项技术还处于起步阶段,但它的前景无疑是十分灿烂的,最近美国威斯康辛医学院人类分子遗传学中心,Sigma-Aldrich公司的科学家在基因敲除技术上取得新的进展,文章Knockout Rats via Embryo Microinjection of Zinc-Finger Nucleases发表在最新一期《Science》上。
研究人员用锌指核酸酶技术绕过目前必须的繁琐实验环节(如核转移)首次剔除了大鼠的两个内源基因Immunoglobulin M(IgM)和Rab38。这一技术的简单之处在于,仅仅需要单次注射DNA或mRNA编码的锌指核酸酶到大鼠的单个胚胎细胞中即可。仅仅这一次注射就能保证基因敲除率高达25%-100%。
(生物通 小茜)
Knockout Rats via Embryo Microinjection of Zinc-Finger Nucleases
Aron M. Geurts,1,2,* Gregory J. Cost,3,* Yevgeniy Freyvert,3 Bryan Zeitler,3 Jeffrey C. Miller,3 Vivian M. Choi,3 Shirin S. Jenkins,3 Adam Wood,4 Xiaoxia Cui,4 Xiangdong Meng,3 Anna Vincent,3 Stephen Lam,3 Mieczyslaw Michalkiewicz,1,2 Rebecca Schilling,1,2 Jamie Foeckler,3 Shawn Kalloway,3 Hartmut Weiler,1,2 Séverine Ménoret,5 Ignacio Anegon,5 Gregory D. Davis,4 Lei Zhang,3 Edward J. Rebar,3 Philip D. Gregory,3 Fyodor D. Urnov,3 Howard J. Jacob,1,2,6, Roland Buelow7,
The toolbox of rat genetics currently lacks the ability to introduce site-directed, heritable mutations into the genome to create knockout animals. By using engineered zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) designed to target an integrated reporter and two endogenous rat genes, Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and Rab38, we demonstrate that a single injection of DNA or messenger RNA encoding ZFNs into the one-cell rat embryo leads to a high frequency of animals carrying 25 to 100% disruption at the target locus. These mutations are faithfully and efficiently transmitted through the germline. Our data demonstrate the feasibility of targeted gene disruption in multiple rat strains within 4 months time, paving the way to a humanized monoclonal antibody platform and additional human disease models.