
【字体: 时间:2009年04月20日 来源:Cell


  生物通报道,来自埃默里大学生物系和耶鲁大学遗传学系的研究者在最新一期的Cells杂志上发表了他们在表观遗传学方面的新见解,文章标题为:A C. elegans LSD1 Demethylase Contributes to Germline Immortality by Reprogramming Epigenetic Memory。


生物通报道,来自埃默里大学生物系和耶鲁大学遗传学系的研究者在最新一期的Cells杂志上发表了他们在表观遗传学方面的新见解,文章标题为:A C. elegans LSD1 Demethylase Contributes to Germline Immortality by Reprogramming Epigenetic Memory


文章的通讯作者是埃默里大学生物系的William G.Kelly教授,第一作者David J.Katz,他是William实验室的博士后,现任埃默里大学副教授。William教授的实验室主要以C.elegans为模型研究干细胞的“母亲”受精卵的发育情况,研究胚胎发生期干细胞的发育情况,和多能性的维持机制。






研究人员发现程序重排与一个特殊的组蛋白修饰作用有关,这个组蛋白修饰作用牵涉到H3K4me2 demethylase LSD1/KDM1。如果这个组蛋白修饰发生突变将导致清除作用(清楚亲代的表观遗传学信息)失效。正常的C.elegans繁殖下一代的时候组蛋白的修饰信息不会传递给下一代。而如果发生突变,组蛋白的修饰信息会一代代传下去,研究小组做了个实验,把spr-5突变(这一突变会导致不孕),同时再突变LSD/KDM1,结果发现子代变得越来越继承亲代的不孕性状。而如果再从外界引进LSD/KDM1又使得子代清除亲代的表观遗传修饰程序的功能得以恢复。





(生物通 小茜)

生物通推荐原文检索:A C. elegans LSD1 Demethylase Contributes to Germline Immortality by Reprogramming Epigenetic Memory


Epigenetic information undergoes extensive reprogramming in the germline between generations. This reprogramming may be essential to establish a developmental ground state in the zygote. We show that mutants in spr-5, the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of the H3K4me2 demethylase LSD1/KDM1, exhibit progressive sterility over many generations. This sterility correlates with the misregulation of spermatogenesis-expressed genes and transgenerational accumulation of the histone modification dimethylation of histone H3 on lysine 4 (H3K4me2). This suggests that H3K4me2 can serve as a stable epigenetic memory, and that erasure of H3K4me2 by LSD/KDM1 in the germline prevents the inappropriate transmission of this epigenetic memory from one generation to the next. Thus, our results provide direct mechanistic insights into the processes that are required for epigenetic reprogramming between generations.




William G. Kelly, Ph.D.

Molecular Analysis of Epigenetic Regulation in Germ Cells
We use the genetic model system C. elegans to study how the "mother of all stem cells", the germ line, is established during embryogenesis and maintained during development. We have identified an "epigenetic erasure" process that separates pluripotent germ cells from somatic cells in the early embryo, and are studying epigenetic mechanisms in the embryonic germline that guard the germ cells during early development and regulate genomic activation. We also study how chromatin-based silencing mechanisms are targeted to large genomic regions, particularly the X chromosome, in adult germ cells. We have discovered imprinted X inactivation in C. elegans, and are using this as a model to analyze how genetic imprinting is established in gametogenesis. We have also recently identified mechanisms that silence unpaired DNA during meiosis, and are investigating how such mechanisms contribute to genome stability.

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