
【字体: 时间:2009年03月09日 来源:生物通


  09年3月6日新鲜出炉的网络版《Cell》提前发表了来自中国神经科学研究所蒲慕明的最新研究性文章,文章以A Selective Filter for Cytoplasmic Transport at the Axon Initial Segment 为题,主要解析了神经元蛋白极性分布机制的研究成果。




文章以A Selective Filter for Cytoplasmic Transport at the Axon Initial Segment 为题,主要解析了神经元蛋白极性分布机制的研究成果。



来自神经所的报道称,研究小组发现在接近胞体的轴突起始段(AIS)存在一个由肌动蛋白和Ankyrin G构成的分子筛,像滤网一样限制了大分子蛋白在轴突和胞体之间的扩散,但允许某些依赖特定马达蛋白转运的膜蛋白通过。


(生物通 小茜)

生物通推荐原文摘要:A Selective Filter for Cytoplasmic Transport at the Axon Initial Segment 


Distinct molecules are segregated into somatodendritic and axonal compartments of polarized neurons, but mechanisms underlying the development and maintenance of such segregation remain largely unclear. In cultured hippocampal neurons, we observed an ankyrin G- and F-actin-dependent structure that emerged in the cytoplasm of the axon initial segment (AIS) within 2 days after axon/dendrite differentiation, imposing a selective filter for diffusion of macromolecules and transport of vesicular carriers into the axon. Axonal entry was allowed for KIF5-driven carriers of synaptic vesicle protein VAMP2, but not for KIF17-driven carriers of dendrite-targeting NMDA receptor subunit NR2B. Comparisons of transport rates between chimeric forms of KIF17 and KIF5B, with the motor and cargo-binding domains switched, and between KIF5 loaded with VAMP2 versus GluR2 suggest that axonal entry of vesicular carriers depends on the transport efficacy of KIF-cargo complexes. This selective AIS filtering may contribute to preferential trafficking and segregation of cellular components in polarized neurons.


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