【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2009年03月17日 来源:Nature
据哈佛大学医学院癌症遗传学家Pier Paolo Pandolfi介绍,约一个世纪以来,研究者都认为节食有助延长动物的寿命,并且能有助治疗癌症。但是,哪些癌症类型用节食的方法有效,具体要如何操作研究者们却所知甚少,目前这还是个开放性问题,有待科研工作者去解决。
霍华休斯医学院的研究员David Sabatini带领的研究团队对该问题进行了探索,研究小组将6种人类癌细胞系注入生物模型小鼠体内,包括,乳腺癌细胞,结肠癌细胞,脑癌细胞,前列腺癌细胞等。接种同一类型癌细胞的小鼠分别分成两组,一组自由采食,自组限制饲养(减少40%食物摄取)。
(生物通 小茜)
生物通推荐原文摘要:Tumours with PI3K activation are resistant to dietary restriction
Dietary restriction delays the incidence and decreases the growth of various types of tumours, but the mechanisms underlying the sensitivity of tumours to food restriction remain unknown. Here we show that certain human cancer cell lines, when grown as tumour xenografts in mice, are highly sensitive to the anti-growth effects of dietary restriction, whereas others are resistant. Cancer cells that form dietary-restriction-resistant tumours carry mutations that cause constitutive activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) pathway and in culture proliferate in the absence of insulin or insulin-like growth factor 1. Substitution of an activated mutant allele of PI3K with wild-type PI3K in otherwise isogenic cancer cells, or the restoration of PTEN expression in a PTEN-null cancer cell line, is sufficient to convert a dietary-restriction-resistant tumour into one that is dietary-restriction-sensitive. Dietary restriction does not affect a PTEN-null mouse model of prostate cancer, but it significantly decreases tumour burden in a mouse model of lung cancer lacking constitutive PI3K signalling. Thus, the PI3K pathway is an important determinant of the sensitivity of tumours to dietary restriction, and activating mutations in the pathway may influence the response of cancers to dietary restriction-mimetic therapies.