
【字体: 时间:2009年02月02日 来源:生物通









自体吞噬(autophagy)指细胞将自己细胞质的一部分(如线粒体和内质网)包围起来形成液泡(自体吞噬泡),再依靠初级溶酶体供应的水解酶将其消化,可由于饥饿和激素的作用等诱导产生。自体吞噬活性的降低会导致神经细胞中错误折叠蛋白的积累,并且也许在慢性神经退行性疾病,比如亨廷顿舞蹈病(Huntington''s diseaseHD,是一种由IT15基因上CAG重复序列异常扩展所致常染色体显性遗传的神经退行性疾病),阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer''s diseaseAD,即老年痴呆症)中也会出现。


自体吞噬在进化过程中是一个保守的胞内异化系统,可以大批量的降解蛋白,但是关于自体吞噬系统中选择蛋白的机制却一直鲜为人知。研究人员以秀丽隐杆线虫为模型,在秀丽隐性杆线虫胚胎发生期,未分化的体细胞中含有来自母体的P颗粒(P granule)的部分蛋白被自体吞噬作用清除掉。这些P颗粒降解的过程中,必须有sepa-1介导,而自体吞噬功能发生变异的个体,P颗粒会蓄积在一起,形成PGL颗粒团。SEPA-1样的蛋白会聚集起来,并且会优先协助自体吞噬作用发生。SEPA-1直接与P颗粒的组份PGL-3结合,还可与自体吞噬蛋白LGG-1/Atg8结合。SEPA-1聚合物始终与PGL-3LGG-1 puncta结合在一起。所以说,在自体吞噬过程中,SEPA-1在蛋白识别与蛋白降解过程中起桥分子(中间介导)作用。


研究结果表明,自体吞噬作用优先降解蛋白聚合物,尤其是在动物体发育的过程中,选择性自体吞噬倾向于选择具有显著生理学意义的蛋白聚合物。(生物通记者 小茜,该文章已获得张宏博士修改指正,有版权限制,转载请注明出处)


生物通介绍原文标题:SEPA-1 Mediates the Specific Recognition and Degradation of P Granule Components by Autophagy in C. elegans


How autophagy, an evolutionarily conserved intracellular catabolic system for bulk degradation, selectively degrades protein aggregates is poorly understood. Here, we show that several maternally derived germ P granule components are selectively eliminated by autophagy in somatic cells during C. elegans embryogenesiThe activity of sepa-1 is required for the degradation of these P granule components and for their accumulation into aggregates, termed PGL granules, in autophagy mutants. SEPA-1 forms protein aggregates and is also a preferential target of autophagy. SEPA-1 directly binds to the P granule component PGL-3 and also to the autophagy protein LGG-1/Atg8. SEPA-1 aggregates consistently colocalize with PGL granules and with LGG-1 puncta. Thus, SEPA-1 functions as a bridging molecule in mediating the specific recognition and degradation of P granule components by autophagy. Our study reveals a mechanism for preferential degradation of protein aggregates by autophagy and emphasizes the physiological significance of selective autophagy during animal development.(生物通 小茜)


张宏 博士



1991 安徽大学生物化学系学士

2001美国纽约 Albert Einstein College of Medicine 分子遗传学博士


2004-present 中国北京生命科学研究所工作

2001- 2004哈佛大学医学院、马萨诸塞总医院癌症中心研究员


本实验室的兴趣主要集中在研究PcG (Polycomb group)基因介导的表型基因沉默机理。众所周知,PcG蛋白可以维持关键的发育调节因子如Hox基因的准确表达模式。而且,现在越来越多的证据现实,PcG蛋白也参与了对细胞增殖和肿瘤发生的调节过程。然而,在果蝇和哺乳动物细胞中,PcG复合体的成分非常复杂,这就阻碍了我们对PcG介导基因沉默以及相关靶基因的研究。与此相反,在秀丽线虫(C. elegans)中,PcG复合体的成分相对简单。我们实验室的工作就是利用秀丽线虫作为模式系统研究PcG复合体介导的基因调节作用并从而延伸到对哺乳动物的研究。





1. 鉴定SOP-2蛋白结合的RNA成分,并阐述其在SOP-2介导基因沉默中的作用。PHSCM结合RNA的活性以及在基因沉默中的作用也将被进一步的研究。

2. 研究核小体在SOP-2介导基因沉默中的作用。进一步鉴定SOP-2核小体的成分并分析SOP-2小体形成的调节途径。

3. 鉴定sop-2靶基因并研究在sop-2突变体中看到的它们对发育过程的多方面调节效应。



1.Cai, Q.C., Sun, Y.Y., Huang, X.X., Guo, C., Zhang, Y.X., Chen, Y.Y., and Zhang, H. (2008) The C. elegans PcG-like gene sop-2 coordinately regulates the temporal, spatial, and sexual specificities of cell fates. Genetics 178, 1445-1456.

2.Deng, H., Xia, D., Fang, B., and Zhang, H. (2007) The Flightless I homolog, fli-1, regulates anterior-posterior polarity, asymmetric cell division and ovulation during C. elegans development. Genetics 177, 847-860.

3.Xia, D., Zhang, Y.X., Huang, X.X., Sun, Y.Y., and Zhang, H. (2007) The C. elegans CBF homolog, BRO-1, regulates the proliferation, differentiation and specification of the stem cell-like seam cell lineages. Developmental Biology 309, 259-272.

4.Deng, H., Sun, Y.Y, Zhang, Y.X., Luo, X., Hou, W.R., Tian, E., Han, J.H., and Zhang, H. (2007) The C. elegans NF-Y complex functions as PcG proteins in Hox gene repression. Developmental Biology 308, 583-592.

5.Yang, Y., Sun, Y.Y., Luo, X., Zhang, Y.X., Chen, Y.Y., Tian, E., Lints, R., and Zhang, H. (2007)Polycomb-like genes are necessary for specification of dopaminergic and serotonergic neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans. PNAS 104, 852-857.

6. Zhang, T.T., Sun Y.Y., Tian, E., Deng, H.S., Zhang, Y.X., Luo, X., Cai, Q.Q., Wang, H., Chai, J.J., and Zhang, H. (2006) RNA binding proteins SOR-1 and SOP-2 form a novel PcG-like complex in C. elegans. Development 133, 1023-1033.

7.Zhang, H., Christoforou, A., Aravind, L., Emmons, S.W., van den Heuvel, S., and Haber, D.A. (2004) The C. elegans Polycomb gene sop-2 encodes an RNA binding protein. Molecular Cell 14, 841-847.

8.Zhang, H., Smolen, G., Palmer, R., Christoforou, A., van den Heuvel, S., and Haber, D.A. (2004) SUMO modification is required for in vivo Hox gene regulation by the C. elegans Polycomb group protein SOP-2. Nature Genetics 36, 507-511.

9.Zhang, H., Palmer, R., Gao, X., Kreidberg, J., Gerald, W., Hsiao, L., Jensen, R.V., Gullans, S.R., and Haber, D.A. (2003) Transcriptional Activation of Placental Growth Factor by the Forkhead/Winged Helix Transcription Factor FoxD1. Current Biology 13, 1625-1629.

10.Zhang, H., Azevedo, R.B., Lints, R., Doyle, C., Teng, Y., Haber, D., and Emmons, S.W. (2003) Global regulation of Hox gene expression in C. elegans by a SAM domain protein. Developmental Cell 4, 903-915.

11. Palmer, R.E., Lee, S.B., Wong, J.C., Reynolds, P.A., Zhang, H., Truong, V., Oliner, J.D., Gerald, W.L., and Haber, D.A. (2002) Induction of BAIAP3 by the EWS-WT1 chimeric fusion implicates regulated exocytosis in tumorigenesis. Cancer Cell 2, 497-505.

12.Zhang, H., and Emmons, S.W. (2002) C. elegans unc-37/groucho interacts genetically with components of the transcriptional mediator complex. Genetics 160, 799-803.

13.Zhang, H., and Emmons, S.W. (2001) The novel C. elegans gene sop-3 modulates the Wnt signaling to regulate the expression and function of Hox genes. Development 128, 767-777.

14. Zhang, H., and Emmons, S.W. (2000) A C. elegans mediator protein confers regulatory stringency on lineage-specific expression of a transcription factor gene. Genes & Development 14, 2161-2172.

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