
【字体: 时间:2008年09月10日 来源:生物通



三位患罕见眼疾的病人近期在福罗里达州大学接受基因治疗,令人振奋的是,他们接受基因治疗受后重见光明,福罗里达州大学的科研人员将这一治疗成果文章发表在最近一期的《Human Gene Therapy》上。


三位患罕见眼疾的病人近期在福罗里达州大学接受基因治疗,令人振奋的是,他们接受基因治疗受后重见光明,福罗里达州大学的科研人员将这一治疗成果文章发表在最近一期的《Human Gene Therapy》上。








W. Hauswirth博士说,病人接受基因治疗后可逐渐看到光线,和少了的影像,这说明该疗法具有实效。更重要的是该方法安全系数高。W. Hauswirth,眼科学教授,福罗里达州大学基因疗法中心和遗传学研究所成员。


W. Hauswirth博士称,接受这一方法治疗的患者无需接受免疫抑制剂的治疗,我们正在进行的另外两个治疗试验患者就需接受免疫抑制剂治疗。W. Hauswirth是研究腺伴随病毒载体的专家,他从事这一研究已有30余年。理论上来说,载体会导致免疫排斥,因此需要使用免疫抑制剂进行控制。而使用免疫抑制剂又可能给机体带来其他的损害,这是很多基因载体疗法的主要问题。但是,幸运的是我们的基因疗法没有出现这一问题,因此不需要使用免疫抑制剂治疗。


宾夕法尼亚大学Scheie眼科研究所的医学博士Samuel G. Jacobson是该研究的首席研究者。


据医学博士Paul A. Sieving(国立眼科研究所所长)说,国立卫生研究所眼科研究中心已赞助眼科基因疗法项目有15年之久。这项研究证实接受基因治疗的患者视力得到修复,所以说这一疗法可用于治疗视力疾病。很多人类疾病都是来自家族遗传,多是因为单基因发生变异。这些由单基因致病的疾病都适用于基因治疗。2型利伯先天性黑曚病用基因疗法治疗成功就说明,基因疗法是单基因致病的疾病最佳的治疗手段。


关于在视网膜进行基因治疗的文章细节将发表在即将出版的《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences》上,另外两篇2型利伯先天性黑曚病的治疗将发表在《The New England Journal of Medicine》上。


Barry J. Byrne博士说,安全性试验是基因疗法的里程碑式试验,但是看到患者的病况得到控制我们更觉高兴。Barry J. Byrne,福罗里达州大学医学院分子遗传学和微生物学教授,基因疗法中心的主任,也是该研究者制作病毒载体的科学家。




原文摘要:Phase I Trial of Leber Congenital Amaurosis due to RPE65 Mutations by Ocular Subretinal Injection of Adeno-Associated Virus Gene Vector: Short-Term Results



Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a group of autosomal recessive blinding retinal diseases that are incurable. One molecular form is caused by mutations in the RPE65 (retinal pigment epithelium-specific-65-kDa) gene. A recombinant adeno-associated virus SBserotype 2 (rAAV2) vector, altered to carry the human RPE65 gene (rAAV2-CB -hRPE65), restored vision in animal models with RPE65 deficiency. A clinical trial was SBdesigned to assess the safety of rAAV2-CB -hRPE65 in subjects with RPE65-LCA. Three young adults (ages 21-24) with RPE65-LCA received a uniocular subretinal injection of 10 5.96x10 vg in 150 μl and were studied with follow-up examinations for 90 days. Ocular safety, the primary outcome, was assessed by clinical eye examination. Visual function was measured by visual acuity (VA) and dark-adapted full-field sensitivity testing (FST); central retinal structure was monitored with optical coherence tomography (OCT). There were neither vector-related serious adverse events nor systemic toxicities detected. VA was not statistically different from baseline; one patient showed retinal thinning at the fovea by OCT. All patients self-reported increased visual sensitivity in the study eye compared to their control eye, especially noticeable under reduced ambient light conditions. The dark-adapted FST results were compared between baseline and 30-90days after treatment. For study eyes, sensitivity increases from mean baseline were highly significant (P<0.001); whereas, for control eyes, sensitivity changes were not significant (P="0.99)." Comparisons are drawn between the present work and two other studies of ocular gene therapy for RPE65-LCA that were carried out contemporaneously and reported recently. 

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