【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2008年10月20日 来源:PLoS
生物通报道,15年以来,科学家们一直认为所有细胞基因组中存在一类没有功能的DNA序列,被称为Junk(垃圾)DNA。但是,现在科学家们经过深入的研究发现,Junk DNA其实有其特殊的功能。
相关的研究由来自爱荷华州大学医学院、生物统计学院、分子生理学和分子生物物理学研究室,斯坦福大学生物系等科学家完成,最新文章发表在10月17号PloS Genetics上。领导该研究项目的是来自爱荷华州大学的华人科学家邢一(Yi Xing,生物通译),内科和生物医学工程系助理教授。
研究者对人类多种组织的Alu外显子进行测序分析研究。使用外显子芯片技术对人类多个组织进行分析结果发现,很多的外显子其实都来源于Junk DNA,随着不同的剪切而转变为不同的功能的外显子。还对非人类的灵长类动物进行分析。
研究结果表明,这些Junk DNA通过剪切转变为外显子的机制就是人类进化的动力,也为人类与其他动物的基因组区别提供了实际的证据。
原文摘要:Diverse Splicing Patterns of Exonized Alu Elements in Human Tissues
Exonization of Alu elements is a major mechanism for birth of new exons in primate genomes. Prior analyses of expressed sequence tags show that almost all Alu-derived exons are alternatively spliced, and the vast majority of these exons have low transcript inclusion levels. In this work, we provide genomic and experimental evidence for diverse splicing patterns of exonized Alu elements in human tissues. Using Exon array data of 330 Alu-derived exons in 11 human tissues and detailed RT-PCR analyses of 38 exons, we show that some Alu-derived exons are constitutively spliced in a broad range of human tissues, and some display strong tissue-specific switch in their transcript inclusion levels. Most of such exons are derived from ancient Alu elements in the genome. In SEPN1, mutations of which are linked to a form of congenital muscular dystrophy, the muscle-specific inclusion of an Alu-derived exon may be important for regulating SEPN1 activity in muscle. Realtime qPCR analysis of this SEPN1 exon in macaque and chimpanzee tissues indicates human-specific increase in its transcript inclusion level and muscle specificity after the divergence of humans and chimpanzees. Our results imply that some Alu exonization events may have acquired adaptive benefits during the evolution of primate transcriptomes.