【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2006年12月11日 来源:生物通
来自纽约大学化学系Ned Seeman实验室的研究人员通过一个纳米机械设备插入整合进DNA芯片获得了一个“DNA盒”(DNA cassette),这个“盒子”可以用于驱动一个纳米机器人(nanorobotics)的臂膀,这是首次科学家们能够在一个DNA芯片上用到有功能的纳米科技设备。这一研究成果公布在12月8日《Science》杂志上。
生物通报道:来自纽约大学化学系Ned Seeman实验室的研究人员通过一个纳米机械设备插入整合进DNA芯片获得了一个“DNA盒”(DNA cassette),这个“盒子”可以用于驱动一个纳米机器人(nanorobotics)的臂膀,这是首次科学家们能够在一个DNA芯片上用到有功能的纳米科技设备。这一研究成果公布在12月8日《Science》杂志上。
Science 8 December 2006:
Vol. 314. no. 5805, pp. 1583 - 1585
DOI: 10.1126/science.1131372
Operation of a DNA Robot Arm Inserted into a 2D DNA Crystalline Substrate [Abstract]
这种纳米机器人需要精确的定位和特殊纳米设备的操作,由于DNA具有结构上的可编程性,因此成为了纳米机器人的一种独具吸引力的系统。在这篇文章中,研究人员获得了一个能将序列依赖性(sequence-dependent)有力的DNA机械手(robot arm)插入一个二维的水晶DNA芯片(crystalline DNA array)中的“DNA盒子”,通过原子力显微镜(Atomic Force Microscopy,AFM)研究人员证明了这种装置在整合后是完全有效的。
这种装置是基于之前由纽约大学的一名为廖士平(Shiping Liao,音译)的研究生主导发明的一种能使DNA序列进行翻译的设备,因此潜在的成为了一种组装新材料构建“砖石”的“加工工厂”。这种发明能用于制造新合成纤维,发展信息加密技术(encryption of information),也可以用于DNA计算(DNA-based computation)。
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Ned Seeman's Laboratory
Our laboratory is investigating unusual DNA molecules in model systems that use synthetic molecules. A major effort in our laboratory is devoted to DNA Nanotechnology.The attachment of specific sticky ends to a DNA branched junction enables the construction of stick figures, whose edges are double-stranded DNA. This approach has already been used to assemble a cube, a truncated octahedron , nanomechanical devices and 2-D crystals from DNA. Ultimate goals for this approach include the assembly of a biochip computer, nanorobotics and the rational synthesis of periodic matter. This methodology also has applications to DNA Based Computing.
Our interest in branched DNA was originally stimulated by a desire to characterize Holliday junctions. These are four-arm branched DNA molecules that are found to be structural intermediates in genetic recombination. The focus of the work on these unusual molecules is to characterize the biophysics of recombination intermediates, particularly their structure, dynamics and thermodynamics, and to establish the relationship between these properties and their biological function. In the last few years, the symmetry, crossover topology and sequence-dependent thermodynamics of the 4-arm junction have been characterized and analyzed. The study of recombination intermediates has been extended by constructing and analyzing molecules with double crossovers, and by exploring broader classes of multi-stranded molecules, called antijunctions and mesojunctions. Recently, we have used Bowtie junctions to examine the properties of Holliday junctions.
Knotted DNA molecules have also been constructed, because they are recombination intermediate analogs, because they offer a window on stressed DNA, and because they may permit us to clone the complex catenanes that we make in our DNA nanotechnology program. The program on single-stranded Nucleic Acid Topology has led to characterization of the interactions of synthetic DNA knots with topoisomerases, to a general algorithm for the construction of any DNA knot, to the synthesis of a DNA molecule that can be built to yield four different topological species , to the discovery of an RNA topoisomerase, and to the construction of Borromean Rings.
The physical techniques used in the laboratory include X-ray crystallography, computer graphics-aided molecular modeling and design, AFM, FRET, gel electrophoresis and automated oligonucleotide synthesis. Our published work in these areas is summarized in the Structural Studies Bibliography.
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