【字体: 大 中 小 】 时间:2005年09月20日 来源:生物通
生物通报道:9月15日的《神经元》(Neuron)杂志上刊登了一篇由上海复旦大学和韩国国立汉城大学合力完成的一篇文章《NMDA NR2B亚型受体在额叶皮层的长时程增强和情境恐惧中的作用》(Roles of NMDA NR2B Subtype Receptor in Prefrontal Long-Term Potentiation and Contextual Fear Memory),《神经元》杂志2004年的影响因子约为14。这项工作是由复旦大学神经生物学研究所“****”卓敏教授、李葆明教授及其合作者韩国国立汉城大学姜奉钧教授所领导的研究团队所完成的,他们首次发现大脑前扣带皮层及其NR2B受体在恐惧记忆形成过程中起至关重要的作用。
目前,长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP)是被广泛接受的学习记忆的神经基础。在恐惧性条件反射的形成过程中,神经网络内(如杏仁核、海马等)发生LTP,表明LTP是创伤后应激障碍(posttraumatic stress disorder, PTSD)不可缺的机制或者说LTP是PTSD的一种“脑记忆痕迹”。近来有研究显示,左右两大脑半球中LTP和突触传递的长时程抑制(long-term depression, LTD)在以猫作为应激原所致的大鼠焦虑样行为中均起着重要的作用。海马在学习、记忆时的长时程增强分子机制已经研究得十分清楚了,它需要谷氨酸N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-aspartate, NMDA)受体的激活。在海马中,含有NR2A的NMDA受体在LTP感应中起作用,而含有NR2B的NMDA受体涉及LTD感应现象。但是,长期以来LTP在额叶皮层中的作用尚未清楚。
在李葆明教授接受采访的时候表示研究所虽然没有做过“猫鼠实验”,但是根据常理推断,一只被注射过能阻断NR2B受体药物的老鼠,即使是被猫追得满大街跑,它也会“好了伤疤忘了痛”,因为,既然连电击这样的“酷刑”都不怕,区区一只猫就不在话下了。看来这实验鼠是继《猫和老鼠》(Tom and Jerry)中满脑坏水的Jerry后,世界上第二只不畏强权的老鼠。
生物通记者 谢菲
Neuron Volume 47, Issue 6 , 15 September 2005, Pages 859-872
Roles of NMDA NR2B Subtype Receptor in Prefrontal Long-Term Potentiation and Contextual Fear Memory
Ming-Gao Zhao1, 2, 4, Hiroki Toyoda2, 4, Yong-Seok Lee2, 3, 4, Long-Jun Wu1, 2, 4, Shanelle W. Ko2, 4, Xue-Han Zhang1, 4, Yongheng Jia2, Fanny Shum2, Hui Xu2, Bao-Ming Li1, , , Bong-Kiun Kaang2, 3 and Min Zhuo1, 2, ,
1Laboratory of Higher Brain Functions, Institute of Neurobiology, Fudan University, 220 Han-Dan Road, Shanghai 200433, China
2Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, 1 King’s College Circle, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A8, Canada
3Department of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-742, Korea
Received 22 February 2005; revised 17 June 2005; accepted 10 August 2005. Published: September 14, 2005. Available online 14 September 2005.
Cortical plasticity is thought to be important for the establishment, consolidation, and retrieval of permanent memory. Hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP), a cellular mechanism of learning and memory, requires the activation of glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. In particular, it has been suggested that NR2A-containing NMDA receptors are involved in LTP induction, whereas NR2B-containing receptors are involved in LTD induction in the hippocampus. However, LTP in the prefrontal cortex is less well characterized than in the hippocampus. Here we report that the activation of the NR2B and NR2A subunits of the NMDA receptor is critical for the induction of cingulate LTP, regardless of the induction protocol. Furthermore, pharmacological or genetic blockade of the NR2B subunit in the cingulate cortex impaired the formation of early contextual fear memory. Our results demonstrate that the NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor in the prefrontal cortex is critically involved in both LTP and contextual memory.
4 These authors contributed equally to this work.
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