

EntransterTM-in vivo



● 代替基因敲除动物,实验从数月缩短到3天,成本从数万减少到几千。

● 代替转基因动物,动物数量任意,不用担心动物死亡,可任意重复实验。

● 代替病毒感染动物,效率更高,可以做包括神经系统内到任意器官,全身器官。

● 可转任意核酸,基因敲除,转基因动物,病毒感染动物无法进行的实验,都可以用。


● 合成或制作的核酸,qPCR等检测方法,常规动物饲养,几万元经费即可!

● 不需要高超的细胞,分子生物学,动物饲养等实验技术!


● 有临床病例,希望加入基因功能研究,没有实验条件,体内转染可以实现。

● 有分子,细胞水平实验,想上升到动物实验,发高分文章,体内转染可以实现。

● 有基因敲除动物,转基因动物的实验,但动物数量少,担心误差,体内转染可以协助。


1.Hepatology, 2015 JUL 3. MicroRNA-125b attenuates epithelial-mesenchymal transitions and targets stem-like liver cancer cells through small mothers against decapentaplegic 2 and 4.((MicroRNA-125b通过small mothers减少Dpp2和4以减弱上皮细胞-间充质细胞转化并作用于肝癌细胞干细胞)(IF: 11.711.)

2.Critical Care Medicine, 2015, June 27. Cyclophilin A/Cluster of Differentiation 147 Interactions Participate in Early Brain Injury After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Rats.(大鼠蛛网膜下腔出血早期亲环蛋白A/CD147相互作用)(IF: 7.422.)

3.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 2015 June 26. Rab5-mediated VE-cadherin internalization regulates the barrier function of the lung microvascular endothelium.(高危大鼠角膜移植片排斥中CD25siRNA基因转移作用)(IF: 5.808.)

4.Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 2015 May 31. Effects of CD25siRNAgene transfer on high-risk rat corneal graft rejection.(高危大鼠角膜移植片排斥中CD25siRNA基因转移作用)

5.Brain behavior and immunity, 2015 April 29. MicroRNA let-7c-5p protects against cerebral ischemia injury via mechanisms involving the inhibition of microglia activation.(MicroRNA let-7c-5p通过抑制小胶质细胞活化防止脑缺血损伤) (IF: 5.889.)

6.Basic Research in Cardiology, 2015 April 10, 110:28. Sialyltransferase7A, a Klf4-responsive gene, promotes cardiomyocyte apoptosis during myocardial infarction.(Sialyltransferase7A,一个Klf4的应答基因,在心肌梗死中促进心肌细胞凋亡)(IF: 5.414.)

7.Oncotarget, 2015 April 20. Macrophages promote benzopyrene-induced tumor transformation of human bronchial epithelial cells by activation of NF-κB and STAT3 signaling in a bionic airway chip culture and in animal models.(巨噬细胞通过在仿生气道芯片培养和动物模型的κB和STAT3信号通路的活化从而促进苯并芘诱导的人支气管上皮细胞肿瘤的转化)(IF:6.359 )

8.Cancer Res. 2015 Jan 19. pii: canres.1831.2014.Targeting LunX inhibits non-small-cell lung cancer growth and metastasis.(IF: 9.329.) (肺癌)

9.Endocrine. 2015 Feb 11.MiR-346 regulates CD4+CXCR5 + T cells in the pathogenesis of Graves’ disease.(甲状腺)

10.Cell Death Dis. 2014 Dec 11;5:e1571.BMPR2 inhibition induced apoptosis and autophagy via destabilization of XIAP in human chondrosarcoma cells.(IF:5.014.)(软骨肉瘤相关,siRNA皮下肿瘤注射)

11.Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:898646.Trichinella spiralis excretory-secretory products protect against polymicrobial sepsis by suppressing MyD88 via mannose receptor.(免疫系统)

12.Mol Cancer. 2014 Sep 6;13(1):206.Let-7d suppresses growth, metastasis, and tumor macrophage infiltration in renal cell carcinoma by targeting COL3A1 and CCL7.(IF:5.683.)(肿瘤相关研究)

13.Cell Death Dis. 2014 Aug 21;5:e1382.Amyloid-β induces NLRP1-dependent neuronal pyroptosis in models of Alzheimer’s disease.(IF:5.014.)(阿尔茨海默病)

14.Plos one, 2016 March 9. MiR-3162-3p Is a Novel MicroRNA That Exacerbates Asthma by Regulating β-Catenin.( MiR-3162-3p通过调控β-链蛋白从而加剧哮喘的发作)

Products Cat. No. Size Price
Entranster™-in vivo RNA Transfection Reagent 18668-11-1 0.5ml 询价
Entranster™-in vivo DNA Transfection Reagent 18668-11-2 0.5ml 询价



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